According to Cobra, there will be an important timeline node from January 20th to 22nd that will to a significant degree influence the future course of events on the surface of this planet. During that time, it is very important to anchor as much Light as possible.
The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.
This equals to January 20th at 5 PM UTC for the first meditation, and the last one is on January 22nd at 5 PM UTC.
Here is the list of times for meditation in UTC and EST timezones [READ MORE] ... |
The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.
This equals to January 20th at 5 PM UTC for the first meditation, and the last one is on January 22nd at 5 PM UTC.
Here is the list of times for meditation in UTC and EST timezones [READ MORE] ... |
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