Oct 17, 2021

πŸ€—πŸ³️πŸ™Œ ~ (Elena and James bringing in clarity to all the confusing and what is actually going on in our solar system right now) Elena Danaan - As You Wish Talk Radio - Great Galactic News (ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel) πŸ’ž ~ | Blogger: [🀜You CAN handle the Truth - perhaps NOT First ContactπŸ€›] ... Oh man! I have lost all "old" friends because who I am. That includes my daughter(s)... People in the "know" have no worries!... The rest of "us" who do not belong to the "normie-land" either, not been to any galactic spaceship, or seen space from ISS or belong to MIC-SSP '20 and back' or visited by aliens or (something) are still considered young & restless, are having a hard time on Earth right now! But I have been attacked by aggressive entities while sleeping, experienced DEW attack and also seen some wonderful stuff at my REIKI initialisations and Cobra ceremonies etc. etc. I have got rid of my many layers of Ego, Traumas, Shocks, Phobias, and almost at the core of the onion peeled away in the last 20 years or more, close to the last layer, there is nothing left. I AM READY!! I AM ready along with my fellow humans like-minded sisters and brothers of the 1% of 7 billion people for the EVENT or FIRST CONTACT or (something) that will wake up the rest and leave people shocked and shaking! Elena are taking about 10 years or maybe 100 years TIME (or she at least don't know). Michelle Fielding has depicted the Golden Age will start in 2032, and I just can't wait any longer. I am tired to the bone of this fight, that none of us, are able to talk about in our own country, with family, friends or coworkers and alike... If I could, my biggest wish, is to enlist into the new United States Space Force (USSF) and I give you herby, my permission to do that and so it isπŸ––... |

PS: James mentioned super advanced "androids"... 

 Here at verdensalt, i'll always been fascinated with the notion that super-advanced military SSP application 80 light-years ahead of its earthly competitors exist, perhaps because of my host-dad injected some trauma in my mind, waaay back in the late 80s first trip to U.S.A. as foreign exchange student, was awesome. Best trip ever and been there many times since then, talking to military contractors, spiritual leaders, conferences and what have you... Well, my first host dad freaked me out though, back in 1988, he claimed to work as security detail or security contractors to NASA or 3-letter agency, advanced robotics division, hard to remember. When he told me about the stuff he saw with his own eyes on advanced robotics, military secrets, i couldn't believe it. I was 18 years old and he actually scared the bejesus outta me...Sooo, i'm a eccentric or odd person?. A kook, nutbag, nutter, odd duck, wacko, weirdo?... 

Maybe, but I do beleive classified UFO program that involved a clandestine corporate effort to reverse engineering a retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft back in 1947 resulted into a military space agency, that's beyond our wildest dreams, bigger than Star Trek & Star Wars - all together... The military has always been at the cutting edge of technology, and years or decades before, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, are able to buy it at a store, and many time never-ever been cleared, to the public. Just imagine how advanced robotics could be, if a even more secret organisation, MIC-SSP, has develop out-of-this-world unimaginable A.I. systems, just under 100 years time (ago)... |

Before you go out and buy the next-gen Human Teleportation Machine or Keshe Plasma Generator or Med-Bed or rewatch the movie, Stargate - 6000 US patents are still a secret and suppressed technologies (including Free Energy Devices, Antigravity, Sonic Healing Machines). Free energy suppression (or new energy suppression) is a conspiracy theory that technologically viable, pollution-free, no-cost energy sources are being suppressed by government, corporations, or advocacy groups. Devices allegedly suppressed include perpetual motion machines, cold fusion generators, torus-based generators, reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology and other generally unproven, low-cost energy sources... | 


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

Elena Danaan (Celebrant, Druid and Artist based in Dingle) is a Contactee and experiencer since her early childhood. Born in France, Archaeologist, Druidess & Shaman, Energy & Sound Healer. She worked as a field Archaeologist for 20 years, mainly in Egypt for the CNRS and the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. Balancing both her scientific education & work experience with her natural psychic & cognitive abilities, Elena narrates with simplicity the incredible adventures she was privileged to live


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