Jun 25, 2021

🛸🙅‍♂️👅~ (BUH-HUH-UFO!) UFO Report: Gov't Can't Explain 143 of 144 Mysterious Flying Objects, Blames Limited Data (nbcphiladelphia) ~ | Blogger: [🤜They neither confirmed nor denied that extraterrestrial intelligence is at stake, or that these are Russian or Chinese drones🤛] ... Limited data my ass... 80 years of coverup and counting... Hitler, is laughing from his grave. 80 years putting together super advanced technology, but more importantly, WHERE is $21 trillion, that the Pentagon can't account for & F-35 $1.4 trillion dollar national disaster❓... The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) who controls at least 2 "cloaked space stations" in near Earth orbit that use technologies as much as 50 years ahead of what is found on the International Space Station, according to whistleblowers (think - James Bond Moonraker). Human slaves, supersoldiers and androids, building Star Trek tech. off-planet Breakaway Civilizations on Mars and Gods know where. On top of that we have the "Black Knight Satellite", supposedly are 13000-year-old Extraterrestrial satellite or communication device, sent to Earth to study the Human race. Similar to the Spaceship Moon hypothesis - basically - the Moon is a giant alien Spaceship or communication device. And of course, Solar Warden (think Star Wars technology) - since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been covertly operating in our skies. In fact, this has been the testimony shared by various whistleblowers and reporters all over the world. Actually it goes soooo much deeper than that, all the way down to Inner Earth - Hollow Earth - Alien presence on Earth surface and Inner Earth Civilizations and in between - Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.Bs) - Hitler's pet project 'Die Glocke' - Operation Paperclip & Nazi Influence on Chemical and Biological Weapons etc. etc... And, there's soooo much more... And all major nations is in on it - but of course - after a group of military officers holding state power and a coup d'état, which is exactly what occurred in the United States just after the Roswell Incident. It was an unacknowledged and highly "compartmentalized intrigue"... Who, you might ask, is involved? 🖖 AND YES, Danish DTU Space is as well (in some way) - SSC – Swedish Space Corporation, China, France Space Force, UK, Australia, India, Russia, China, India and ESA (The European Space Agency) is also part of the gigantic cover-up (with Compartmentalization of course. The guy building the lightbulb, has no idea, about what his colleagues are doing and the multiple layers are build-in security) ... |

By Nomaan Merchant and Calvin Woodward • Published June 25, 2021 • Updated 13 mins ago

Congress late last year instructed the director of national intelligence to provide “a detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data” from multiple agencies

The U.S. government can't explain 143 of the 144 cases of unidentified flying objects reported by military planes, according to a highly anticipated intelligence report released Friday. That report, released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, was meant to shed light on the mystery of those dozens of flying objects, spotted between 2004 and 2021, but instead said it didn't have adequate data to put all but one of them into a category. "We have no clear indications that there is any non-terrestrial explanation for them — but we will go wherever the data takes us," a senior U.S. government official told NBC News ahead of the report's release Friday.

The image from video provided by the Department of Defense labelled Gimbal, from 2015, an unexplained object is seen at center as it is tracked as it soars high along the clouds, traveling against the wind.

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