May 6, 2021

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (SSP News - Semper Supra) SpaceX Moon Mission IS OVER! NASA Suspends Contract after Recent MUSK-BEZOS Spat on Twitter! (The Real MLordandGod) ~ | Blogger: 🤔Is EM now excluded from the Secret Space Program (NASA) club?... 🚩COBRA (RM) has ensured us all, that Elon Musk has plans to assist the process of Compression Breakthrough and is one of the "good guys" now, has turned... 🚩In other bizarre news Benjamin Fulford are saying; "The FAA has already shut down Elon Musk’s SpaceX program. This is what is behind the news item that the DOJ is going after Musk for not hiring illegal aliens. The real reason, according to NSA sources is that SpaceX is a fraud. Mice have been spotted running on SpaceX rockets that were supposedly in outer space. In other words, he is filming rocket launches and space exploration in studios to get money out of the U.S. government."... 🚩Simon Parkes says; "the Mossad communication satellite that was destroyed by white hats or Space Forces Rods from God killer satellites, (DEW's) not meteors falling. 120 "good" new satellites (Elon Musk?) part of a controlled Trump's Space Force are being sent up EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)."... 🚩Biggest joke for me at SoTW is, with all due respect, because I know and own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better (Ida Auken), that, Russia partners with China for lunar space station to build a station around the Moon that rivals NASA’s planned Gateway... 🤪Yeah right!.. 🧀And my uncle told me once, that the Moon is made of green cheese, Elon Musk's exploding SpaceX rockets are still going to land on Mars and Greta Thunberg is always angry and on the warpath for a Greener Earth... 🙅‍♂️NOPE!... 👻This insane constant storytelling that we are all alone in the universe, and we are on the break to land on the Moon building bases and new civilizations on Mars... 👽Did CIA create UFO 'double bluff' to mask new SSP technologies? You better believe it... 🤫Who to trust, these days.. 🙏I really don't know anymore, I just follow my own instinct and stay focused, what resonate with me at SoTW... 📑"There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden📑 ~ David Wilcock and Corey Goode Consciousness Life Expo 2016... |



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