Apr 25, 2021

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra - “always above”) This video on UFOs...what do you think? (by Russell Brand) ~ | Blogger: Sooo, so just a heads up Folks!... David Wilcock is out of hibernation to give you a “Galactic Update.”, so he claims. The live stream is this Sunday, April 25th at 3pm PDT (Los Angeles)... And of course, i've be joining, on the free stuff, only, and not because i'm a nutcase... I have meet Dr Salla twice, talked briefly to oldies but goldies NASA astronauts, meet T.L. Keller and Tolec Andromeda Council. Hugged OMNEC ONEC from Venus... Went UFO hunting with James Gilliland in Mt Shasta, UFO sightings in Sedona with baffling and unforgettable "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours"... Backdoored Area 51 and later, stormed it, attended MUFON i Vegas, listen to Goode, Wilcock and Smith at the Conscious Life Expo in LA, close encounter with David Adair in this workshop and only a few hours away from seeing “Mad” Mike Hughes liftoff (I didn't make it in time)... I used to date a american woman, whose father, ranked as the Master Sergeant on the Patrick Air Force Base Eastern Test Area, later through the control tower, sending all Apollo missions away... And so many other things, and i'll still don't feel I know anything... Why?.. Because the Secret Space Program and many whistleblowers has claimed we have technology 1000 years ahead of anything you see and could change Mother GAIA in days, ending money, greed, crimes, wars, pollutants, coronavirusses and poverty.... Guess what, that's classified and not only Above Top Secret... As per the chart, the classifications that are above ‘Top Secret’ are SCI (Special Compartmented Information) and USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Programs). That’s not all. Above the USAP are 28 levels of secrecy (Top Secret Crypto) where the President of the US of A has access up to only the 17th level (which is the Nuclear Access Codes!) Above these 28 levels are 10 more, ‘Majestic’ being the highest level of security: ⧫ MAJESTIC ⧫ COSMIC ⧫ LUNA ⧫ ULTRA ⧫ STELLAR ⧫ ASTRAL ⧫ COSMOS ⧫ TRIAD ⧫ ORBIT ⧫ ZD-27... Special access programs can be massive in scope and can remain hidden behind a veil of secrecy for decades. In recent years, several credible whistleblowers have stepped forward to disclose the highly advanced technologies and the highly compartmentalized systems. Faster-than-light interstellar travel allowing humankind to reach the stars is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Interviews with insiders including Emery Smith, Clifford Stone, William Tompkins, Niara Isley and Corey Goode confirm that specific factions of humans here on Earth do have autonomous possession of interstellar travel technology, and the existence of a superluminal space naval fleet comprising various sizes and classes of vessels employing tachyon drive has been concealed from the public for many years.... So you see what we're dealing with... |




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