Mar 16, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (#DiktatorMette, #JesuisVivian, #JegErNanna) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🤜Hvis borgerne ikke tør ytre sig frit og kritisere politikerne, så har vi et demokrati, der er kørt skævt ~ Jacob Mchangama, direktør i Justitia🤛] ... ✊DANISH✊ -- Nu, må, det, eddermame, være, nok!... STOR RETSSAG MOD METTE FREDERIKSEN – HVOR ER MEDIERNE HENNE? Skal vi virkelig selv ringe ned til Menneskerettighedsdomstolen i Haag, Det Internationale Krigsforbrydertribunal og Amnesty International???... Vi kender alle sammen godt hvem den 30-årige kvinde Nanna er, med 2 små børn, som fik dobbeltstraf i, at opfordre til, (ikke)vold ved corona-demonstration. Ud af mange anklager, så har retten lagt vægt på, at hun bevist, med sine handlinger har medvirket til "vold mod politiet og til grov forstyrrelse af den offentlige orden", hedder det sig... Og nu risikerer en 29-årige mor, samme straf for at have delt et billede af en brændende statsministerdukke på Facebook... I december sidste år blev en mand idømt 16 års fængsel for drab på to kvinder, og i marts sidste år blev to mænd idømt 16 år for at have smuglet 93 kilo kokain, men Vivian, er sigtet efter straffelovens §119, stk. 1, der kan give op til otte års fængsel plus 8 år, efter den nye coronalov... ✊ENGLISH✊ -- I just can't take this sh*t anymore... BIG COURTCASE AGAINST DANISH PM METTE FREDERIKSEN - WHERE IS THE MEDIA?... Woman risks 16 years in prison for sharing a picture of Prime Minister's puppet doll burning, 3 other people, has been arrested -- WHAAAAAAT!!! Of course, every single MPs condemn Capitol-style “lynching” of PM’s effigy during a Saturday’s anti-lockdown demonstrations... "It’s a little too reminiscent of recent events in Washington DC", remarked one danish politician.... [READ MORE] ... |


Is it us, the citizens, that shall make the call, to the Human Rights Court in The Hague, the International Criminal Tribunal and Amnesty International ??? ...

We all know who the 30-year-old woman Nanna is, with 2 small children who received double punishment in calling for a (none)violence at corona demonstration in a speech. Out of many accusations, the court has emphasized that she has proven, with her actions, to have contributed to "violence against the police and to gross disturbance of public order", it has been stated...
And now a 29-year-old mother, could receive same punishment for sharing a picture of a burning prime minister doll on Facebook. Not 2 years, but 16 YEARS GUYS!!!! ...

Last December, a man was sentenced to 16 years in prison for killing two women, and in March last year, two men were sentenced to 16 years for having smuggled 93 kilos of cocaine, Peter Madsen sentenced to life for murdering journalist Kim Wall, but Vivian, is charged under the Penal Code §119, para. 1, which can give up to eight years in prison plus 8 years, according to the new coronal law in Denmark, for sharing a picture on FB...

New Zealand man jailed for 21 months for sharing Christchurch shooting video, which some has called it out to be, a False Flag ops, with all due respect...

Now, in Denmark, if you DARE to go up against the Corona Corporation, you're damaged goods and and need to root in prison, forever and ever... |

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