Feb 2, 2021

😇 ~ 💗 ('The symbol of the High Priestess and higher aspirations') 222 Gateway (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: SoTW has been very very lucky & grateful to meet some incredible people!... One is Mother GAIA's only High Priestess, Isis Astara (Cobra's spouse) at a conference in Greece in 2015, later she died of several severe attacks by Direct Energy Weapon, according to C.O.B.R.A.S.' Resistance Movement (R.M.)... SoTW was among the first to get initialized spiritual life of the Male and Female Goddess Priesthood in italy (I only hold the 1st phase of the Temple Priestess Training)... And I used to date or had a 'fling' with a young beautiful upcoming High Priestess, among one particular support group... I have also meet and hugged OMNEC ONEC (The Woman from Venus) on her birthday, when we meet-up with her at Rob Potter's Interplanetary Cultural Exchange Summer Conference in Mt. Shasta 2015... In fact, brain overload of downloaded data, if you're all excited about our Galactic friends, SSP, human history, stargazing etc. etc. - please look into Tolec, Robert Scott Lemriel, James Gilliland, Alex Collier, Ted Mahr, Rob Potter, Dr. Michael Salla and Craig Campobasso etc. etc... Oh man I miss those days... Come to think about it... [READ MORE]... |



As the powerful Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius continues to ripple through the collective field, we already are seeing signs of the Great Equalizer. Just this week a seismic shift occurred in the stock market as retail investors took on the 1% Wall Street hedge funds. Expect to witness more collapse of the self-destructing systems of narcissism and greed – including antiquated institutions, corporations and religions. As we leave behind the Age of hierarchies, it will be the companies and institutions that are focused on innovation, fair distribution and democratization of value, who will be the big winners in the new Aquarian age.

On February 22nd we are blessed with universal ‘222’ focus – the symbol of the High Priestess and higher aspirations. In numerology the ‘2’ influence is a desire to bring equality and peace to our beloved Gaia. As the Master Alchemist that you are, make 2021 the year to break out of your shell and establish a lifestyle of authentic integrity and empowerment. The Angel number sequence ‘222’ encourages you to commit to your divine life purpose and mission. The angels are guiding you to stand strong in your divine Soul truth.

In esoteric teachings the universal number sequence of ‘222’ signifies your life purpose, spiritual growth and evolutionary progress. To realize your full potential, you need to trust in yourself. ‘222’ opens you to new levels of consciousness and ancient knowledge, as you learn to trust the Soul’s inner wisdom.[READ MORE]... | 

Blogger:  Come to think about it... 

... at Rob Potter's 2015 conference, I had another 'fling' with a american woman, this time, from Florida, whose father, ranked as the Master Sergeant on the Patrick Air Force Base Eastern Test Area, later through the control tower. 

He is now retired and died in 2019, but had top clearance, launching virtually all missions of the Apollo program, which included both manned and unmanned space missions flown by NASA between 1961 and 1975. 

In addition to posting in Germany and other secret places, his certificates and other qualifications hung on Denise's wall in her house, I went too. 

Unfortunately, the Master Sergeant did NOT "spill the beans". 

My other american friend Patrice, also passed away in 2019 of cancer, as her friend, knew Exopolitics/UFO investigator Craig R. Lang was targeted & murdered at the February 2018 International UFO Congress using exotic weapons to stop his disclosure investigations and 2 others died, at that conference, SoTW attended (that's a fact i was there and reported by Alfred Webre)... 

We're all living in a Dangerous World and it's NOT because of the COVID-19... |

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