Space Force was created almost a year before the 2020 election and this fact is important to consider because of their technological capabilities. Using state-of-the-art satellites and communication systems, Space Force has the uniquely sophisticated capability to perform surveillance on various technology systems. One such system, which you all have probably heard of by now, is Dominion Voting Systems. These voting systems are connected to the internet via a network of private servers, owned by Dominion. Rudy Giuliani, who is currently be sued by Dominion for defamation, states that his conclusive evidence will save him from the frivolous lawsuit. Is it possible Giuliani received this supposed evidence from the US Space Force? [READ MORE]... |
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... Fan of sci fi movies, like me, you might believe that our moon is actually artificially produced. Titanium-based satellite or a thousand year old former combat planet?
In any case, it is apparent that after NASA and SSP (ie the US secret space program) smashed a 2-ton Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) on the moon and it were shaken for several days, it may show that it's a hole inside.
It's a well know fact, that the mysterious cigar-shaped, interstellar visitor known as ‘Oumuamua (a scout ship) object that was spotted hurtling through our galactic neighborhood in October 2017, was visited and boarded by a SSP spaceship
Yes, all superpowers who have access to the universe are diligently using computer-generated imagery (CGI) and other simulators. However, it is used to 'blur' the MIC-SSP Solar Warden Space Fleet Armada, their 2 cloaked massive space stations in (LEO), Asteroid mining, the entrance to The Hollow Earth, The Black Knight satellites, Space Stations on the back side of the Moon and Mars, Planet X/Nibiru and of course the spacecraft of the "real" extraterrestrials and Alien Vehicles Tech, stolen by "humans" and lots of other things...
Just the fact about HU-mans from Earth has been in contact with other aliens in the last 80 years, is still unheard of, inconceivable; unimaginable, crazy and conspiratorial...
But it goes millenniums further back than that (but that's a another story)... |
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