Feb 19, 2021

πŸ¦“☁️✈️ ~ (Danish Skies) Mommy, Mommy! Look what I can see, Monkey do. Look at the Clouds! Is it Turtle? a Doggie? a Horsie! There, Sky with Zebra Stripes! What Is 'THAT' Mom!❓ (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: πŸ‘‰It's Contrails Ice Crystals, just like Snow Crystals, Sweetie! It's soooo cold upthere, You See!? Don't worry about it!πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Buuut MOM! - Hush, child, hush! Stop your crying, or I will tell you another story about a 1966 NASA document reveals goal of Engineered Climate Modification... (Weather Control Technology & Derivatives, Cloud Seeding, Block Sunlight, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth)... ONE thing is for sure Son, normal people like you and me, are not allowed to travel outside our country, due to lockdown, all planes are basically grounded, but our governments has allowed CIA / USAF / Bill Gates NWO people (part of the Pentagon's quest to achieve Full Spectrum Dominance) to chemtrail the skies.. You see, Buddy, if they can't get us by PCR-tests and vaccinations, they sure as hell can get us all, by Chemtrails, Nanoparticles and Smart Dust… |

From today, minutes ago, February 19th of 2021... Compelling new pictures from Jutland in Denmark ... They will do everything in their power to hide the Real Sun (and use Sun simulator in front) - Solar radiation management (SRM)... Aluminum Smart Dust from Geoengineering, silicone nanoparticles etc. etc. Whatever it takes and Big Pharma and military is in on it...

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