Feb 13, 2021

5️⃣🧑‍🚀 ~ (Manifesting SoTW are able to attend!) QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS IN DISCLOSURE MARCH 19-21, 2021 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA (Eventbrite) ~ | Blogger: [👉5D Events are about amazing 3-day epic 5D event is about creating a better future with Quantum consciousness, Space Science, ET Disclosure, Functional Wellness, Scalar Research and Technology, Stem Cell Research, Cancer research, Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, DNA Activation, Longevity, Quantum Healing, Tesla Technology, Agenda 21, Survival of Humanity, Secrets of Pyramids, Artificial Intelligence, Secret Space Programs, Super Soldier SSP Programs, Time Travel, ET contact, Business Leadership, CO-Creating a new Paradigm with a 2.0 humanity, Personal Empowerment, Mindfulness, Awareness, Transformation, Gratitude, Sacred Geometry, Spirituality & Life Mastery with many Lectures, Workshops, Panels, Exhibits, Friday Night Speakers meet and greet party & Saturday Night Banquet Dinner party👈] ... I know that former Navy SEAL Chief Michael Jaco and Judge, Alfred Lambremont Webre, is speakers and perhaps, Kerry Lynn Cassidy, the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot, and Simon Parkes, Connecting Consciousness, as attendees?... Anywho, this is the place to be, me, bypassing 2021 MUFON Symposium, and for all of us, the 'engaged spiritual people' who likes UFO's, SSP, USSF, ET Disclosure etc... $200 is a okay price for 3 days, problem is to get there with China Joe, still acting "administrator" and Corona Draconian laws... |



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