May 9, 2020

☭⭐⭐⭐⭐~ Forbidden knowledge: you ARE the creator - CEO of Russia's largest bank ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Inessa S for sharing... Is it really true what CNN has told us, that three doctors mysteriously fall out of Russian hospital windows?... |

Source (Inessa S)

Whoa, where do I begin to unpack this one. In this outtake, we have the CEO of Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank, explaining to his colleagues at a St Petersburg Economic Forum (2014? or 2015) as to why the public should be kept in the dark about issues of governance, government and the economy….

He takes aim against democracy – by now, most people know it is a sham. However, his references to Buddhism, Daoism, and Kabbalah have yet a deeper meaning – each viewer will derive that meaning for themselves, depending on the degree of their spiritual education. I too am on a personal journey as it pertains to religion and spirituality. To me, his words point to a deliberate obscuring of knowledge of the self throughout the centuries – knowledge that only the select few ever had access to. Why was this knowledge obscured?

My view – is that the creator is you. It is not an external force – a book, a mandate, a set of rules. You create what you think you deserve. As a self-sufficient being, connected to infinite intelligence, you need no government to tell you what is ethical, moral and correct. (Note: this argument is not the same as anarchy.) 

If knowledge is power – then, potentially, self-knowledge is a lack of power of others over you? (READ  MORE)

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