Dec 8, 2020

๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽ„ ~ (P.S. I Love Satire) Are you planning for a shite Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ ๐Ÿ˜? - From Ulster Fry (Paul Cardin / Wirral In It Together) ~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ‘‰Why do you think they try to give us Long COVID Symptoms? With DNA-altering Vaccines, 5G Microwave Network, Ultrasonic Weapons (USW), Direct Energy Wepon (DEW) and the Scripted Shitshow Corona 2030 Fear Agenda, The Great Reset is here and now? Because it Stops or Pauses HU-manity, to evolve to next level in our Consciousness Evolution and Ascension Process๐Ÿ‘ˆ] ... Without satire or laughing about it all, we're all doomed... Danes lined up for 6 hours to get a COVID-19 test, seconds after a (deranged woman - sorry my language), part of a W.H.O. / China / Medical–industrial complex / Technocracy Puppet Masters, has rolled out Corona[Corporation] Plan[Demic], on Monday, and announced a significant tightening of Covid-19 restrictions in 38 municipalities across the country and Kingdom of Denmark... And she says; more is to be expected to come our way, if we "do not behave" and on Facebook says; "Det bliver godt igen." (It will be good again)... What the bloody hell!... Yes - everything will be great again, after you explain to the world, that you have sent out, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, skilled police officers, and danish soldiers to support your illegal order to slaughter 17 million Danish mink (that is of course - no laughing matter)... Has explained to us all, why we need an unprecedented expansion of a Danish Epidemic Act with unlimited power, broken our Constitution, and in panic, or intentionally, has put sooooo much FEAR into elders (and traumas in Children), that they literary die of Depression & Loneliness... And feelings of Sadness, Hopelessness and Worry - almost like - shell-shocked, during the Spirit of Christmas, that is “about loving, caring and sharing the goodness and graces of God / Source love for His people, and about Jesus coming to our homes"... ๐Ÿค—Buuutt, what they can never, ever do, is to stop the Positive Pure Source Energy and the Critical Thermal Flux from The Galactic Central Sun, that Cobra is talking about. The moment of the Event, when the Matrix Society Collapses, the Contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter into the fourth phase... ๐Ÿ™“We are on the Threshold of a Golden Age. An imminent shift for him personally, for Isha, and for humanity as a whole.”. “Something fundamental is shifting in the very way human beings are,” and “In many ways, it will be a time of great possibilities.” ~ Isha Sadhguru... |

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