Dec 17, 2020

đŸ‘‘đŸ„ŒđŸ§Ș~ (BREAKING NEWS) VĂ€gledning om kriterier för bedömning av smittfrihet vid covid-19 (FolkhĂ€lsomyndigheten) ~ | Blogger: [👉Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden: "I think we have failed" in a utterly harsh criticism on The Public Health Agency of Sweden, buuutt a news story has come to light👉] ... The Swedish Health Authorities REJECTS the PCR test (Wauuuv - read it and weep) ... In my humble opinion and let's forget the (angry) King of Sweden and Swedish PM, who has just issued a dire warning and is one step closer, to shutting everything down, like they're colleagues in Denmark, and Germany etc. who both, King and Swedish PM, are the Servants and eventually the Beast (Corona Corporation Swedish Order of Freemasons - with all due respect)... To me at SoTW - this is a major turning point and compared to the Portuguese court ruling, judging PCR test as unreliable, this should undermine Kingdom of Denmark Country Mother Mette Frederiksen narrative, as the PCR test is a big part of the foundation for the fear based strategy pursued upon its population... This means, from my perspektive, (RT) PCR testing, gives a very unreliable result, that the test shows (false) positive regardless of whether you ARE infected or HAVE BEEN infected with the (ghost) virus... PS: In other news, of the scare strategy, Stockholm and Gothenburg's new top listing of corona in wastewater (I guess you can find all kinds of nasty things in a sewer - yeah??)... |


FolkhÀlsomyndigheten har tagit fram nationella kriterier för bedömning av smittfrihet vid covid-19.

PCR-tekniken som anvÀnds i test för att pÄvisa virus kan inte skilja pÄ virus med förmÄga att infektera celler och virus som oskadliggjorts av immunförsvaret och dÀrför kan man inte anvÀnda dessa test för att avgöra om nÄgon Àr smittsam eller inte. RNA frÄn virus kan ofta pÄvisas i veckor efter insjuknandet men innebÀr inte att man fortfarande Àr smittsam. Det finns ocksÄ flera vetenskapliga studier som talar för att smittsamheten vid covid-19 Àr som störst i början av sjukdomsperioden.

De rekommenderade kriterierna för bedömning av smittfrihet grundar sig dÀrför pÄ stabil klinisk förbÀttring med feberfrihet i minst tvÄ dygn och att det gÄtt minst sju dagar sedan symtomen började. För de som haft mera uttalade symtom gÀller minst 14 dagar sedan insjuknandet och för de allra sjukaste, individuell bedömning av behandlande lÀkare.

Kriterierna togs fram i samarbete med företrÀdare för specialitetsföreningarna inom infektionsmedicin, klinisk mikrobiologi, hygien och smittskydd. Rekommendationerna kommer att uppdateras allteftersom ny kunskap om smittsamhet vid covid-19 tillkommer, dÄ nuvarande kunskap Àr begrÀnsad.
Relaterad lÀsning

VÀgledning för bedömning av immunitet efter infektion med covid-19

VÀgledning för anvÀndning av antigentester vid covid-19
Författare: FolkhÀlsomyndigheten
Publicerad: 21 juli 2020
Uppdaterad: 30 november 2020
Artikelnummer: 20110


(Translated from Swedish)

The Swedish Public Health Agency has developed national criteria for assessing freedom from infection in covid-19.

The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not. RNA from viruses can often be detected for weeks after the illness but does not mean that you are still contagious. There are also several scientific studies that suggest that the infectivity of covid-19 is greatest at the beginning of the disease period.

The recommended criteria for assessing freedom from infection are therefore based on stable clinical improvement with freedom from fever for at least two days and that at least seven days have passed since the onset of symptoms. For those who have had more pronounced symptoms, at least 14 days after the illness and for the very sickest, individual assessment by the treating doctor.

The criteria were developed in collaboration with representatives of the specialty associations in infectious disease medicine, clinical microbiology, hygiene and infection control. The recommendations will be updated as new knowledge about covid-19 infectivity is added, as current knowledge is limited.
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