Dec 18, 2020

👨‍💼🎆🎊 ~ (3 million views) Game Over for the Cabal: The Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z (Bonfire Guy + FreakSense TV) ~ | Blogger: 🤭yes, Trump may be laughable, but he do not (seem) taking orders from The Deep State, and negative military might, as other presidents has in the past... 🛐Trump may be laughable, church disciples praying for a Trump victory to keep America Christian, but a 'good' patriot to his own country, he is, and helping people in dire need or cracking down on sexual predators and the GlobalPedoGate etc. etc., instead of selling his Soul to the devilish communist China, like Denmark og EU are, for money and power... 🤓Trump may be laughable, egocentric behaviour or narcissistic personality and breathtaking self-admiration, but like the (fake) Obama(s), entered office when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deception, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality still were rampant...🤪 Trump may be laughable, verdensalt still thinks other presidents became a slave of the 'system', keeping that third density pot boiling, the Illuminati were able to derail or dilute everything they wanted to do for their country and the world, and made compromises or complied with (DS Cabal) demands because of death threats to their family and primary supporters...🛐Trump may be laughable, no Christian Messiah, like Obama and other presidents, however, he has pushed the Cabal/Illuminati up into a corner, whether you like it or not, supported by benevolent souls, who wants to see the world change, to a peaceful place in the universe...🎰Trump may be laughable, Qanon (could) still be a CIA Psyop and the lobbying swamp of GoLDMaN SLaCKS, Rothschild banking is flourishing in Trump’s Washington, but Trump is NOT like ANY other presidents and (perhaps) Donald Trump is the only one that has the balls to hit a home run for the American People and World... 👉I've seen enough evidence for a lifetime, The Three Stooges, like Obamas, Clintons & Bushes, (+ DNC Tower of Evil), and countries like fake jewish Israel - Saudis, Iran, China, (top governmental bodies) could be most dangerous species on Earth, if you ask me... 🔁But, every Soul on the planet is working through some kind of karma. Whether you were the perpetrator or the victim, it’s inevitable that you’ll have experienced traumatic past life events that created karma. In this life your soul will seek to heal from the consequences of those actions. Karma is simply the universe seeking balance, and an opportunity for the soul to achieve profound spiritual growth by healing the events of the past. Karma and your soul are inseparable!.. 🙏|

This is, IMO, the BEST presentation done thus far of my "famous" Youtube Video entitled, The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z (now watched by almost 3 million people). Put together by Bonfire Guy (on his Youtube Channel by the same name), this version of my 3 hour presentation on Mark Devlin's Show focuses upon the Big Three Takedowns by US President, Donald J. Trump, on his World Tour that brought down the Cabal and forced every Nation, every major Corporation and every major Private or Public Organization that had Earth wide influences Politically and Economically (including our entire Banking System) to Capitulate and come to their Knees. [READ MORE] ... 
Please visit Bonfire Guy's Youtube Channel,

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