Oct 30, 2020

⚔️☮️🛡️~ (Spiritual Warfare) TOTAL WAR is coming to America after Biden is DEFEATED on Nov. 3rd; prepare for every worst case scenario you’ve ever imagined (NN) ~ | Blogger: A-MUST-READ!... ⚠️However, Mike Adams sometimes disturbing or exaggerated videos and articles, with excessive force of 'Gung-ho' attitude - take it with a grain of salt... There's no end-of-world-scenario, NN narrative, illustrations and his word choice is deliberate to make a buck on his channels, but in my book, not all of the Intel is Fake News, that's IMPOSSIBLE... As always, use your own spiritual discernment... |

New intel: Polls are fabricated, Dems prepare nuclear option when Trump wins

Mike Adams

New intel from our many sources tells us that mainstream polling companies are now utterly fabricating polling results, not even bothering to call people. The public polls are totally rigged, but internal polling tells Dems that Trump will win in a landslide.

That's why they're going all-out to counterfeit votes and try to steal several battleground states like Pennsylvania. If they realize they cannot succeed, they will launch their "nuclear option" attacks on America.

See my story here for full details of what happens next.

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