Oct 18, 2020

☄️💥🤦‍♂️ ~ (C'MON! GIVE ME A BREAK!) Asteroid the Size of Big Ben Approaching Earth, Says NASA (sputniknews) ~ | Blogger: [👉Doomsday Countdown❓ SoTW predictions👉] ... 🙋Will Earth (in our lifetime) be destroyed by Asteroids or Meteors❓NO!... 🙋Will a water Tsunami eliminate New York city as many predictions says❓NO!... 🙋Could the Energy Hologram or Project Blue Beam with HAARP and DEW, CIA, NSA, USAF, NASA, and their affiliates, technology, for mass holographic deception and psychological manipulation, that has existed for decades, be used to CREATE a fake return of Jesus Christ or Alien attack❓ Oh YEAH!... 🙋Will the (DS Dark Alliance), for a better word, try, to assassinate or stop POTUS from entering 2nd turn at the WH, by a False Flag, bigger than 9/11❓ Sure! - They will try ANYTHING... 🙋Has Qanon(s) and all the truth-seekers, or doctors, whomever, trying to speak-up on a Deep State exist, the COVID-1984 Hoax, being banned or ghosted from all social media platforms and will it be escalated in all 2020❓ Absolutely!... ☮️Will there be a Love-Tsunami of Universal God/Source Energy Burst, never seen before i December of 20/20 vision, just before the very peculiar astrology of December 21, 2020. It is a very rare combination that will usher in a new world, that would lead to The EVENT? I truly, truly wish that would be the case (and so it is)... 😶‍🌫PS: Stay Calm, Remain Vigilant & Expect the Unexpected... |


At the end of the 20th century NASA launched the Near-Earth Object Programme, aimed at finding and tracking the movement of celestial objects whose orbits could bring them into close proximity to our planet. The space agency so far has found an estimated 25,000 NEOs to date.

Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t get too comfortable, because 2020 isn't done with us yet… An asteroid as big as Big Ben will whizz past the Earth next week, the Daily Star reported, citing NASA. According to the space agency, the celestial body called 2020 TGI is travelling towards our planet at an enormous speed of 8.5 miles per second (30,708 Mph or almost 50,000 kilometres per hour). NASA says the asteroid could be anywhere between 43 and 100 metres wide and is the biggest celestial body to swoosh past our planet.

2020 TGI belongs to the most dangerous category of asteroids – Apollo, meaning its orbit will intersect that of our planet. But NASA says it will safely pass our planet at a distance of 7,027,201 miles. In December, Earth will be visited by an unusual asteroid called 2020 SO, categorized as a "potentially hazardous" object. One of NASA’s leading experts, Paul Chodas, suggested that the celestial body may in fact be debris from a rocket NASA sent to the Moon in 1966.

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