Sep 14, 2020

🧘‍♂️ ~ πŸ’— ~ Super Quick Defrag Your Mind Meditation (Steve Nobel) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰I DON'T CONSENT 2 THE NEW NORMAL: I DO MISS TRAVELING - NOT POSSIBLE ANYMOREπŸ‘ˆ] ... I do miss 2019... The meditations and spiritual learning in Cobra's Brazil Conference or The Montserrat monastery in Barcelona with UFO hotspots or Turquoise Turkey Coast of Antalya mountain bike climbing and during the summer to plunge into the cool water at Oymapinar Dam.... I do miss, the top of Red Rocks Sedona mountains with native american shaman, Rahelio Rodriguez's Sacred Tipi and Medicine Wheel, or Sedona Sacred Rocks, Metaphysical B&B with Meghan's Singing Bowls or Mojave National Preserve's ancient volcanoes, and desert solitude at Grand Canyon... I do miss, the Thailand Visit. Bangkok and Koh Chang - Khob-Khun... OMG!... I DO MISS 2019... |

Source (Steve Nobel) 

Defragging is a computer term/function that clears your computer drive of unnecessary date and rearranges the remaining data for maximum efficiency. This helps to speed up the operating capacity of your computer. This meditation defrags your conscious and unconscious minds of limiting thinking patterns, judgements and excuses that get in the way of you creating a joyful and graceful reality.
Many Starseeds are born into challenging situations and you may have learnt some very limiting patterns of thinking that block your innate magical abilities. The journey of a Starseed is to overcome these mental limiting patterns and create an elegant and graceful reality. 

This meditation invokes a limiting thought, judgement or opinion in the mind and works to clear and expand that energy. Then we invoke a bloodline story or pattern that may be connected to the first limiting thought, judgement or opinion in the mind. This energy is then cleared and expanded. Finally, we invoke a pattern from another lifetime that may be connected to the first limiting thought, judgement or opinion in the mind. This energy is then cleared and expanded.

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