Aug 18, 2020

πŸ“šπŸ¦ πŸ˜· ~ (A Grand “Kill List” Database) The Next Chapter Of The Plandemic: The FINAL LOCKDOWN (HAF+Clearnewswire) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰"On August 14, 2020, the European Commission has reached a first agreement with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca (Sanofi-GSK and Johnson & Johnson) to purchase a potential vaccine against COVID-19. I.e., EU will purchase of 300 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, with an option to purchase 100 million more, on behalf of EU Member States. The Commission continues discussing similar agreements with other vaccine manufacturers." ~ SoTWπŸ‘ˆ] ... Thanks to Louis, my 50 years experienced danish Holistic / Naturopathic Doctor friend, for sharing the Humans Are Free article... |

Several years ago when I warned that Big Pharma and the vaccine industry staged the measles outbreak at Disneyland in order to push California’s SB 277 vaccine mandate law, very few people believed the vaccine industry was capable of such a nefarious plot.

They laughed and mocked at the “conspiracy theory,” but fast forward to 2020 and no one’s laughing anymore.

That’s because the very people who downplayed the real-world conspiracy of staged plandemics now find themselves prisoners in their own homes, with their movements locked down by a tyrannical police state, complete with roadway checkpoints (New York), door-to-door contact tracing interrogations (California) and tyrannical shelter-in-place orders that have turned once-free people into prisoners (Melbourne, Australia).

I’m here today to tell you this is merely the beginning of the medical tyranny that’s about to be unleashed against humanity on a global scale.

This article describes what’s coming if the globalists and the anti-human Democrats get their way.

However, President Trump is actively working to being down the anti-human demons and their child trafficking pedophile networks, money laundering operations and treasonous criminal schemes.

So the events described here can be stopped if Trump remains in the White House and gains sufficient public support to take down the enemies of humanity.

And no, Trump isn’t actually using the military to push mandatory vaccines. He’s using the vaccine backdrop as a way to distribute military forces across America in preparation for the mass arrests of treasonous actors, which will take place after the election. On this topic, Q seems to be correct.

Now, here’s the description of what the anti-human traitors have planned for America and humanity… it isn’t pretty.
A Grand “Kill List” Database

Every person who has signed up to be tested for covid-19 — or who runs a contact tracing app on their mobile device — is being funneled into a government database that will soon be used to hunt people down for forced vaccinations.

What the Democrats want is armed vaccination teams going from private home to private home, forcing people to be vaccinated at gunpoint, or kidnapping them and taking them to FEMA-like “quarantine camps” for processing. (In reality, they are being taken to death camps for executions, see below…).

There’s also credible evidence that some of the covid-19 test swabs have already been inoculated with the virus itself in order to spread the outbreak. They are spreading it on purpose, just like they did in Disneyland.

Yes, the virus is real, and they have weaponized it against humanity. We know how to beat the virus now, using things like green tea and zinc, but the virus is very real and quite deadly to people who are nutritionally deficient and immune suppressed.

Still, the masses of the world do not yet realize what’s coming. As usual, they awakened too late to the horrors that they ignored for too long.

They let Big Tech, Big Media and Big (left-wing) Government gain too much power, to the point where the institutions are now the enemies of humanity.

And so the ignorant, clueless masses will be systematically culled if the Democrats and globalists get their way.

They will be lined up and forcibly injected with “vaccines” that are little more than kill shots, engineered with mRNA strands to turn your body into its own suicide bomb (autoimmune disorders).

They will obediently line up at food banks where vaccinations are required to receive free food, and they will take the shot (mark of the beast) in exchange for a bag of toxic, processed food that’s laced with deadly pesticides and herbicides (because the food supply has long been a primary vector of killing humanity).

And they will celebrate the LGBT genital mutilation of their own children, while murdering their babies in abortion centers and cheering Joe Biden’s mental incapacity as some sort of “progressive genius.”

Yes, they are clinically insane. They want to rule the world, and they can’t wait to mass murder 90% of the human population to “save the planet” from humanity.

These are not wild theories… these are their own public admissions. These are demons walking the Earth, and they seek to destroy as many human beings as possible as they destroy themselves in the process.

Watch this important trailer for the “Global Reset” to learn more:

Source: (excerpt)

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