May 15, 2020

🚸 ~ 💗 How children are suffering from the global coronavirus crisis (DW News) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Of course, it can be a scary time for children... Parents fear for their children's mental health amid coronavirus pandemic and they should... Especially because, MILLIONS of parents has lost their jobs and how their mental state, affects the children at home... We know that humanitarian crises have huge consequences for the most vulnerable girls and women; the number of rapes and abuses is rising, access to safe abortion disappears and sexual violence rises massively during humanitarian crises... Not to mention, that low-income families, are facing HUNGER, POVERTY and DESPERATION... The most gruesome moment will come soon, when we are deemed to explain to our children, that a few wealthy evil men, has turn this Corona crisis into a "Plannedemic" episode of Twilight Zone or a "REAL" 'Orwellian nightmare'... Will the children every trust a adult again!?... |

Source (DW News)

Initial data has suggested that children suffer from serious COVID-19 infections less often than older people. But that’s not the whole story, because young people are among those most at risk from the effects. The UN is warning that the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting children in four main respects: education, health, poverty and safety. Subscribe:

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