May 18, 2020

πŸ’Ž ~ πŸ’— CINTAMANI SACRED STONE πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰Cintamani Stone 'Celestial Substance' Precious Out-Of-This-World Rare Sacred GemπŸ‘ˆ] ... Thanks to PAO/Galactic Heart for sharing... I'm telling you, these sacred stones are incredible powerful and (alive)... First time I came in possession of a stone was at U.S. conference by Rob Potter and Tracy Houghton in Mt. Shasta, California. One of the MOST amazing places in the world and conference, I've EVER attended... 2nd time was THE ASCENSION CONFERENCE in 2016 by Cobra and Isis Astara in Chania, Crete. It was of course, tachyonized. I placed it in my hand it felt like a VERY strong burning sensation... Several other times, I have bought Cintamani stones through my danish contactee at THC in Denmark... ALL of them are missing... It's funny, it seems when the energy is no longer needed, 'they' will leave you... I used to talk to Tracy Houghton about that, because as she said, when Rob and her where shipping them to customers, it went to different locations at different post offices, before the stones, finally arrived at their destination.. Anywho, Cobra has once said, that if you have a Cintamani stone, it will be completely transparent and sparkling of enormous light through the hole transition of the EVENT and give you great power (something like that)... I have personally placed or burried Cintamani & other gem grade stones next to the darkest corners in Denmark, especially at the Parliament and in some parks, without CCTV camera caught me (and other places in the world)... PS: besides the small grade stones, regular grade, gem grade stone and large gem grade stones, there's a even rare version now in the form of a 'Pearl' (it's quite expensive)... PSS: the Agartha cintamanis are infused with energies of the Agarthan underground kingdom of Light... |


Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from the Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after a long journey through interstellar space.

In the last 25,000 years, the positive Agarthans were guardians of Cintamani stones. Throughout the history, they have given pieces of Cintamani to some of those individuals who had the maximum potential positive influence on the human history. King Solomon, Alexander the Great and Akbar were in possession of a piece of Cintamani stone.

One piece of Cintamani, previously in Templar possession, was given to Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who revealed the existence of Agartha to humanity in his famous novel The Coming Race.

Later this same piece was given to a certain Templar group near Untersberg and then to the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) who channeled the technological know-how for first working space program on the surface of the planet since the fall of Atlantis.

Another piece was given to Nicholas Roerich, who attempted to achieve world peace with it. His well known Banner of Peace is a symbol related to the triple Sirius star system.

Cintamani is the sacred stone of the Brotherhood of the Star, the last true remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis.

Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors belong to the mandala of 144,000 star beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the Shift of the Ages.

Since December 2014, Light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of
the Moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144,000 to trigger their awakening.

Cintamani stone is the next step in this energetic process. Since the start of the Multidimensional Operations Solar System, we at the Phoenix Group have started to spread pieces of Cintamani stone among the most awakened Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.

Selected pieces of Cintamani stone were put into many dozens of most important key grid vortex points of the planetary energy grid to stabilize the transformation process towards the Event. This Cintamani energy grid around the planet is now almost complete.

Old Tibetan prophecy says that there will come a time when the King of the world will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age. This time is now. Cintamani stone will play a key role in this process.

At the Event, the Galactic pulse will flow through Cintamani stones. Each holder of a Cintamani stone will serve as an energy conduit, transmitting energies of the compression breakthrough into the planetary energy grid.

Cintamani stones are pure Light and their energy can not be misused. They help dissolving impants and strengthen your inner guidance and connect you with your higher purpose in this lifetime. But be aware that they are strong amplifiers and serve as magnifying lens to show you what is inside of you, in order for you to transform it, and make you more ready for your mission so that you can play your part in the planetary liberation process.

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