Apr 4, 2020

🚸 ~ πŸ’— Ronald Bernard - Global Financial sector (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰BTW, Ronald Bernard, the Dutch banker who exposed illuminati is NOT dead!. DVM TV has made 5 episodes based on intel from a "real" insider or whistleblower who spills the beansπŸ‘ˆ] ... |


Bernard became a financial success as a facilitator in tax avoidance and currency exchange/money laundering for big players, including banks, governments, multinationals, secret services, and terrorist groups. Through his work, he came to see the connecting dots about which only the top 1% of the pyramid of global elite are privy. That top elite of 8,000 to 8,500 worship Lucifer as their god, regard people as sheep to be used, and manipulate the media so as to conceal how the world really operates. Bernard became part of that exclusive top and was invited to the elite’s satanic church of “Eyes Wide Shut” Black Mass, naked women and drugs...

Two years ago, Ronald Bernard testified to the ITNJ Judicial Commission about the paedophile rings operating from inside the financial sector. In 2020, the ITNJ releases its Commissioner Report into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. This report will be available for public access and delivered to politicians and government institutions all over the globe. Standby for truth and reason to influence real change and uphold natural justice. We invite you to stand with the ITNJ. Go to https;//itnj.org


Ronald Bernard, revelations by an insider Part 1 (NL/ENG/FR/FIN/ES)

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