Feb 11, 2020

💉✋👶 ~ EUROPE IS FINALLY RISING UP: Invitation to European Protest for Medical Freedom ~ | Blogger: [🌟Change.org : Respect, promote and protect freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout Europe🌟] ... {243,232 have signed. Let’s get to 300,000!} ...⚠️ PS: There's no doubt in my mind, that (if) the Nipah virus, aka Coronavirus, aka 2019-nCoV (HIV-SARS-CoV) is spreading as wild as we've been told by (alternative media) and scientists race to develop vaccine, it would be a even more devastating impact on world population, if vaccinated... Latest from Natural News, Mike Adams who claims that China, has changed the definition of “infected” to ignore coronavirus patients who test positive but show no symptoms. These are so-called “symptomless carriers,” and according to China, they no longer count as “infected,” even though they are well known to be able to spread the virus by infecting other people... IN DENMARK, one of the biggest vaccination mafia countries, is out and warning us all of the Whooping Epidemic is growing in 2020, along with Chickenpox and everything else to boost the #BillMelindaGatesFoundationGlobalVaccinationProgram (Statens Serum Institut - EUPHEM - ECDC)... SINCE 2017, an italian child, must be vaccinated against 12 diseases in order to be admitted to school in Italy. Since then in 2018, France and other countries etc. etc. etc... |

Petitioning European Parliament, European Commission, Council of the European Union
Respect, promote and protect freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout Europe
FEB 10, 2020 — 2020: a new year, a new decade and the EFVV is now putting out a regular newsletter!  Stay informed on European and international vaccine issues!  Sign up toreceive it here: https://efvv.eu/content/newsletter.
And remember: the Munich protest on 21st March 2020 needs crowds!  Do your best to attend, share the info, make a donation to fund the event.  Thank you so much!

We’ve finally had enough of an almighty pharmaceutical industry censoring our internet, controlling our media, our courts and our governments.

Mandatory vaccination is a violation of our physical integrity, of our freedoms guaranteed to us by the Charter the UN and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and is limiting our access to education, employment and the free circulation of citizens.

The global agenda of mandatory vaccination is marching fast. After Italy in 2017 and France in 2018, many other countries are following suit. The latest country to fall is Germany in 2020. These mandates will soon be extended to adults, pregnant women and the elderly.

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