Jan 8, 2020

🚀 Newsletter: Happy Year Day from Asgardia's Head of Nation Dr Igor Ashurbeyli! ~ | Blogger: [🤩The First Nation In Space, Ever!! 1 Million People From 200 Countries🤔] ... {Expansion of humanity, free democratization in space nomatter skin color, race or social classification} ... AT FIRST, it was a really great idea and achievement, to be able to start a (privately) owned Space Nation in LEO... Dr Igor Ashurbeyli, a russian billionaire, scientist, businessman and politician of Azerbaijani origin... Has he gone rogue and become the villain, Hugo Drax?... Because who (really) owns low Earth orbit (LEO) in Space?.. Did you know, that most countries has a "National Space Agency? Including Denmark (DTU Space) and Sweden (The Swedish National Space Agency SNSA, Swedish: Rymdstyrelsen), which is very vital part of ESA & NASA's secrecy in Space (Terma A/S)... Has The European Space Agency ESA, NASA, DARPA, NSA, CIA, USAP, USAF, and SSP or any other dark foreign powers lured us into a trap?... Everything comes at a price.. Citizenship / residency yearly card fee (€100) x 25 years x 1,000,000 = billions... SoTW 'were' actually one of the first danish people to sign up and undergo a very long and difficult terms of agreements etc. etc.. Asgardia is a would-be nation of 1,000,000 people from 200 nations, which hopes to establish its territory in space within the next 25 years... Buuutt, a problem exist... Asgardia, Bezos, SpaceX, China's plans for the Moon, Mars and beyond & India attempt to Land on the Moon in September of 2019, fresh new travel by 2020... Blah Blah Blah... When I see that money changes hands with NASA - I DON'T TRUST any project or prospekt... WHO controls the Space - NASA and several others in the Secret Space Program Factions, Top Secret Black Projects and Unacknowledged Special Access Programs etc... As an example, Asgardia-1 was boosted to space and then deployed by US companies on a NASA-funded mission so the satellite falls under US jurisdiction... THEN Asgardia was suddenly represented in (illuminati) World Economic Forum at Davos in January of 2019!! WHAAAT?... You be the judge... |

Dear Asgardians!

In the New Year, celebrated at different moments in different time zones across the globe, it is customary to make a wish for the future. Let's think of something good and cherished now. After all, we think differently than most, we are a Space Nation, people of the future.

We want the first child to be born in space in less than a quarter of a century, proving to everyone that human possibilities are as limitless as space itself, that humanity is immortal. I wonder who they will be and what they will become — this first space human?

In the three years of our Space Nation’s existence, we have already done more than any other nation in the world has done in such a period. We launched our first satellite and thus gained our territory in Space, endorsed the Constitution and elected the Head of the Nation, the Parliament, formed the Government and Court.

We have a Flag, a Coat of Arms, a National Anthem and a Motto — "One humanity – one unity". We already have more than 1 million people from 200 countries.

Asgardians! Each of you is important to us!

Fill out your profiles, add photos so that we can proudly show on the main pages of our site who we are — Asgardians. Become full-fledged residents of Asgardia, mayors, and grow our community with us!

This way, you can help form an independent national budget for Asgardia and enjoy all the privileges of residents in elections of mayors, prefects, governors, representatives at the continental, sub-continental and country levels, members of Parliament and Government.

Our residents are people who make history: they are building the world's first democratic Space Nation, where everyone can realize their talents and dreams!

Today, December 31, is Year Day according to the unique Asgardian calendar, which, I am sure, will become the universal calendar of all humankind.

I congratulate you all on the New Year and wish you and your loved ones health and all the best — on Earth and in space!

Best wishes,
Dr Igor Ashurbeyli
Head of Nation

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