Jan 9, 2020

๐Ÿงฒ ~ ๐Ÿ’— The Final Disclosure: A New Year 2020 EXCLUSIVE with COREY GOODE [Part 2/2] | Edge of Wonder ๐Ÿ’•~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ‘‰"I think if we all Meditate and 'try' our best to Virtualize a Beautiful 2020 that is full of Disclosure, full of Justice for Everyone, i think that we can all Manifest that together" ~ Corey Goode๐Ÿ‘ˆ] ... Amen to that Soul-brother... But instead of using TRY - DO! 'Try' is often a way of insuring ourselves against the bad feelings we associate with failure (Let's try...). Words are a manifesting power, and words and actions are the completing steps that bring to manifestation our evolution as human beings. It is very important to point out that we can evolve or ‘devolve’ according to our intentions... ๐Ÿ™‹PS: I know what you're thinking... Many supports Divine Cosmos & Sphere-Being Alliance, including Cobra and the Resistance Movement - anyone else, think David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Emery Smith is Fraud?... Alfred Lambremont Webre: "Would you be surprised to learn that the "Blue Avians" may be an Illuminati mind control psyop meme and not an actual ET race, and that David Wilcock, John Corey [AKACorey Goode], Dr. Michael Salla, GAIAM TV and other luminaries are being duped/enmeshed/mind controlled with money to be made by propagating the mind control "Blue Avian" meme?"... Well, SoTW can't help you - figure this one out yourself...Alfred has a colorful background, to say at least, and has recently stated, that U.S. President is being “covertly drugged” by Deep State handlers. Furthermore, he claims that ethical ET's has adducted the US President Carter, chrononaut Basiago, and futurist Webre that opened portal to Galactic positive future for Earth, so that Trump-Iran-Israel Reptilian Souls, are attempting to close through manufactured war... Many of these people like Corey, Smith, Cobra, or even Alex Collier, has devoted much of their life to the study of and in service to the paranormal and esoteric. To the rest of us, it seems kinda unbelievable, unimaginable fictional story... you be the judge... "I want to believe" - SoTW... |


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