Jan 21, 2020

🆘 ~ EBOLA OUTBREAK ALERT: CIA PLOTTING JANUARY 22, 2020, EBOLA OUTBREAK & SUBSEQUENT PANDEMIC (JANUARY 15, 2020) ~ | Blogger: [⚠️WHO calls for emergency meeting on new virus in China, as cases spread to health care workers, a people-to-people virus, according to The Lame Stream Media⚠️] ...🚩 Truther News: "CIA headquarters located beneath CERN at lake Geneva in Switzerland plotting ebola outbreak on january 22, 2020, exactly 1,322-days after the world health organization (who) declared end of West African ebola outbreak back on june 9, 2016—impending ebola outbreak specifically designed to trigger unprecedented global biological pandemic premeditatively deigned to cull billions via virulent vaccines or medications"... 🚩SoTW: I have no idea if this is true or not... Back in 2014, the scientist who recently pointed to evidence that Ebola was created by pharmaceutical corporations at the highest echelons of power was backed up by another expert- who says the outbreak coincides exactly with UN vaccine campaigns in the region (read all about it)... 🚩According to Benjamin Fulford's latest report: "CIA sources in Asia say there is a major offensive against that China. " Western media are not discussing the massacre of several hundred million pigs as a result of the outbreak of the new African swine flu virus strain (created in vitro, of course)"... |

Source (truthernews)

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