Jan 4, 2020

๐Ÿง˜ ~ ๐Ÿ’— (DK) Musik til at fjerne negativ energi hjemmefra, 417 Hz, tibetanske sangskรฅle ๐Ÿ’•~ | ~ (ENG) Music to remove negative energy from home, 417 Hz, Tibetan singing bowls ~ | Blogger: Thx to 'Music for body and spirit - Meditation music'๐Ÿ™‡‍♂️... PS: (SoTW love to share personal stuff to his readers)... Inside the house of SoTW, incense stick or agarbathi from india certified companies, helps me reduce the negative and increase the positive... One of my former polish girlfriends, said to me (just fresh newbie from danish Clairvoyance & Intuitions Courses), Tim, your office is possessed by bad demons and the energy almost killed me, entering the room and after that, she broke up with me (whaaat?).. It later turned out that she used (reverse psychology) and (revenge sex) to get back at me, after i broke up with her, in the first place๐Ÿ™„ Hence, she wanted the last (word) and satisfaction of hurting me. Confirmed by my higher self and my holistic doctor (with 50 years of experience in Naturopathic Medicine etc. etc.). My doctor told me, there was NOTHING wrong with me and i had no negative (attachments) from Demons feeding on negative thoughts, draining my life force (or in my house)... Sooo... Even (highly) spiritual enlighten people (connected) to Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit, has their own EGO, DEFENSES & ARCHONIC IMPLANTATION, to fight them... This is one of the reasons why it is so incredible hard to get (out) of the 3-D matrix of Simulation and Separation scheme... I have worked in many years with my spiritual guides, Reiki, Cobra and many others, with my daily confirmations, decree and declare (and spiritual contracts revocation) etc., to get rid of etheric implants, re-balancing the masculine and the feminine and clearing my old traumatic experiences including phobias and (spiritual) PTSD. And of course, parts of the human personality or psyche: the id, superego, and ego ... You be the judge... |

(ENG) "We often don't think about it, but unhealthy and negative energies stagnate in the home. The walls and objects contained within it absorb the energies and vibrations created by the thoughts and actions of those who live in or visit it. Deep cleansing helps us to live more comfortably at home and to prevent these energies from threatening our health. We advise you to let the music run for its entire duration. Namaste" ~ Music for body and spirit - Meditation music...

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