Mar 16, 2019

Steve Nobel | ~ Higher Light Decree: Soul Family, Soul Tribe Activation ~ | Blogger: SOUL FAMILIES WORKSHOP in Hungary March 16th-17th, 2019 by Cobra ... From the latest post by Cobra: "The Resistance has also said that most people who volu- nteered for Entry Protocols are far from being ready, and certain “social dynamics” articles and workshops will be released to the surface population to increase prep- aredness. These will also be released to prepare people to create and expand Bub- bles of Heaven and Islands of Light. The first one will be Soul Families workshop. Hungary is one of the most important Goddess Vortexes on the planet, since the creation of Lengyel and Tisza neolithic Goddess cultures ~ Cobra" ... |

"I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Self in the 6th Dimension and my team in spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, support and activate this decree.
Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I declare my journey in this physical world is an intentional journey. I have already mastered life and the ascension process on many other planes of existence, I am here to serve, to activate my gifts, express my authentic truth and to celebrate life. Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I declare my intention to connect with my Soul Family and my Soul Tribe. For I am here on the earth at this time to awaken and honour my commitment to serve with the awakening of all beings on the planet.........."


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