Mar 11, 2019

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | - Energi For Sjælen | ~ HEAVEN ~ | Blogger: [😇Kan varmt anbefales💜] ... 🤜 Stig Boye Petersen, sjæl og motivation mediator, kan man vel kalde ham - der er mere mellem himmel og jord (RIP 2004). Dansk blog handler om en form for sandhed om Kærlighed, Jesus, WingMakers, Nibiru, Rumfolk, Esoterisk Filosofi og så mange andre vigtige emner. Han havde oversat en del ting til dansk, hentede inspiration og var klarsynet på en letforstå- elig og spiseligt måde (også til børn og behagelig musik) ... PS: Det er en skam, at han er borte, mener, han var lige så vigtig og en moderne udgave af mejeristen, Martinus Thomsen. Verdensalt, holder ham i live 🤛... |


Say, what does this word mean? Is it a place in the blue nowhere, containing only angels flapping their wings, and praising the Lord? Is it a state of mind, a spiritual level or just nonsense?

As we sometimes may experience a state of sheer luck this might strengthen our beliefs in the second eventuality. Of course, modern man doesn’t find such a place very likely apart from the fact that we leave our bodies on this Earth. Which leave us completely without means to hear, talk or sense anything?

The same must apply to the so-called “hell”. How on earth can you feel a punishment if you are without a body? You will probably be able to neither feel and physical pain cannot wail or express your feelings.

And yet you might be able to think or have an inner feeling of what (the hell) is going on. So heaven could very well be a spiritual level.

Should this be the case you still miss someone or something to pronounce a sentence, if you are to experience the uttermost bliss, or the contrary. Could this somebody or someone be an entity called God? Or is nobody else present except you? This last assumption demands a little speculation whether anybody else than you exist, or are you just dreaming that you are in existence? Maybe you are just a figment of the mind. Whose mind? Your own? Gods mind? This assumption presupposes that an almighty God or Creator really exists.

If we are to believe the Bible, we are told that God loves his whole creation and that He does not pass judgement or condemn. But as we are narrow minded we tend to impose our assumptions on Him, and that may be the reason why the Church has taken on the very human point of view, that God is an old man with a white beard, and equipped with human qualities, even if He is above all.

The next possibility is the spiritual level. Does such a level really exist? This cannot be proven scientifically. Well, what about electricity? You can only prove that this invisible cause exists by way of its effects. Likewise you cannot prove the existence of thoughts directly, or can you?

Basically, what is life – the power that leaves the body by death or goes on vacation when somebody drowns or the like – only to return to the body in some cases, often surprising surgeons and nurses immensely? This power of life cannot be measured in any way, but it makes a difference between a living and a dead body.

We might assume that it isn’t our brain that contains our consciousness. Maybe the brain is just a link between the body and the mind. This raises a new question: Is our mind and our consciousness the same ting? Or could it be that our consciousness creates the thoughts and passes them over to the brain as commands? And is our brain then just a highly sophisticated computer?

Last, but not least. Is all that talk about heaven and hell nothing else than bosh and nonsense?

If that’s the case you have nothing to worry about when you die. Then you have just experienced a quite incidental reality, your life was just like that of a May fly without being of any importance. But when you observe Nature you might get the impression that everything, apart from most people, are acting upon and obeying certain intelligent laws. This might imply the existence of an entity, a superbrain, a consciousness beyond our comprehension including everything in being.

But as we are part of that creation we might be a part of this consciousness, and here you might speculate whether man is designed to pass through and accomplish a development, not the physical one as the human body seems to be perfect, meets the demands and has not changed much through the passing of time. Could it be that we might develop to a higher level of comprehension?

Should this be the case, what will then happen to our consciousness when we die? Does it go to a “heaven” after one single life only, or must more experiences be learned in order to get that far? If so, you’ll have to live again. Again and again, as it is not very likely that the experiences from one life only can qualify you to get at the “Paradise level”.

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