Nov 2, 2019

πŸ”₯πŸ΄πŸ”Œ~ Days of terrifying darkness, cold and hunger amid PG&E’s sweeping power blackouts (Newsbreak) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ’•To our God / Source : I pray and my heart goes out to all the children and affected families to shine His light in these darkest of timesπŸ’‘] ... It's a FACT, Pacific Gas and Electric company started cutting power to 1 MILLION (up to 3 million) people’s homes as ideas spread that power lines were causing the fires and it's all bad, bad, bad news (but TRUE)... PS: We're been bombarded for years now, with warnings, that electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event would span from Russia (or enemy of the day) would fry the U.S. electric grid and bring our economy to a screeching halt etc. etc. etc.. Well, this is REAL and now close to a million people, are left in the dark cold & hungry, many with no insurance, and frighten of what the future, could bring... Hang in there - the Angelic realm is assisting you / us... |

CLEARLAKE, Calif. — For four nights, Eliana Rubin cared for her newborn son, James, by candlelight. The baby, 11 weeks old, is her first. He’s colicky and wakes often, she said. As the latest Pacific Gas & Electric safety shut-off dragged on this week, she lit a flame by her bedside each time the child woke, but was careful to blow it out before falling asleep again. Even more than the dark, she worried about the near-freezing temperatures inside her home in this remote part of Northern California.


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