Nov 7, 2019

πŸ‘Ό~ πŸ’— 11:11 Ascension Portal (Meg Benedicte) πŸ’• ~ | Part VI (sixth) Update Since 10:10 | .. 11:11 is the symbol of Spiritual Awareness. You are becoming more aware of your true self, purpose and destiny. 11:11 is peeling away the layers of denial so that you can emerge from darkness into authenticity .. |

One of the most sacred gateways arrives on Monday, November 11th…the 11:11 Gateway portal opens to higher, ascended realms at zero point. It is a powerful 11 day of Spiritual Mastery, when many souls awaken to their true essence, as Star Beings of Light. Every year since the momentous 11:11:2011 Activation, a global awakening sweeps the planetary collective on this day.

As you step into the cosmic 11:11 portal, you experience a ‘homecoming’ with your god self and soul family. You connect to the future ‘Ascended You’ in zero point, in the infinite Now. It is a powerful seed moment for activating your divine Soul’s ascension life plan.

In numerology, 11 signifies Mastership level representing divine knowing, intuition, yin/yang sacred union and enlightenment. As you connect to the 11:11 Gateway, you are becoming Master of your own Destiny, developing more soul embodiment and inner guidance.

11:11 is the symbol of Spiritual Awareness. You are becoming more aware of your true self, purpose and destiny. 11:11 is peeling away the layers of denial so that you can emerge from darkness into authenticity.

Next Monday we will join together in the 11:11 Stargate and activate the harmonious Resurrection Spiral of the masculine/feminine energies within your heart. As you become more balanced, your heart swells with Sacred Union and opens to the 5D field of Love. You are here to experience a new model of loving relationship in the 5D earth plane. We are moving into a new realm of peace and harmony for humanity. The 11:11 frequencies activate more Soul akashic memory of the ascension process.
Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world, as we form a ‘group mind’ on November 11th for the 11:11 Gateway Global Activations. Breathe in celestial LIGHT. Increase your body’s superradiance, transform your personal and planetary reality.The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg Benedicte

Quantum Access®
Copyright (c) 2019 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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