Aug 5, 2019

📺 | Verdensalt Archive | ~ Former TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content - attacks NewsEvolution’s Patty Greer and Alfred Lambremont Webre’s exposé of DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18 ~ | Blogger: [👥Are Patty Greer and Alfred Lambremont Webre’s exposé of DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18 a Hoax❔] ... {I (verdensalt) have ONE goal. Only 1. Pursuing THE Truth (destroying the Facade)}... ❓: Is verdensalt absolutely sure, Corey and David (Emery Smith, Divine Cosmos) are not scammers?... 🙋: I don't know that, Yes i have meet them in US, been following them for a looong time now, good hearted and wants to help, however been through many MKUltra Trauma from Childhood, some say?... ❓: Has COBRA (recently) been infiltrated & guru support groups helping to turn the organisation into a black magic cash-cow maschine? ... 🙋: Maybe? Who knows, i mean, something is wrong, i know that... ❓: Did verdensalt attend the 2018 UFO Congress were one of my americano compadres (Patrice) longtime friend, Craig R. Lang, died, along with 2 other attendees, at that particular congress... 🙋: YES, Craig Lang was a hypnotherapist and Minnesota State MUFON Director and felt ill, flu symptoms (like) and went into a phoenix hospital and never came out. Another guy, I did notice was sitting in the back of the room of the conference with a 'deadly cough' and thinking several times to approach him and offering him my 'colloidal silver'. And as i mentioned before, the energy was veeeeery strange in comparison to The Conscious Life Expo 2018. Almost, as we all were exposed to EMF attack or DEW's ... ❓: What happened on Awake & Aware conference/venue in London 2018? ... 🙋: verdensalt were on location, and Simon and Kerry was warned beforehand on psychic attacks or EMF weapons happened. Simon lost his voice, all attendee confirmed, that black helicopters patrolled the area and I (verdensalt) felt heart burn and had to turn to my angelic guides for help ... ❓: What happened before and after the secret private session with Ole Dammegård in May of 2019? ... 🙋: Verdensalt was heavily hit by DEW or something like Cabal / Archontic mind meltdown !? Symptoms of electronic harassment and radio frequency attack normally enters your unique body frequency and brain activity. Prior to the Ole D. event i didn't sleep for 2 days time, the morning i had to go, I've got a splitting headache and during night time, felt like a reptilian warning, something. I had to protect myself with reiki and angelic healing ... ❓: Have verdensalt lost friends, since i've started up my blog? ... 🙋: You bet your ass, I have.. I came from the danish subsidiary of Rothschild banking empire in 30 years as a IT specialist and people think, i'm absolut nuts, leaving the 3-D Matrix of illusion, to find another TRUTH, like Giuliani says; 'truth isn't truth'.. 😮One girlfriend even told me that i've had surrounded myself with bad disturbing things, but she refuse to look at her own false EGO-mindset and are able to cure everybody, but not herself. Sooo... i'm the bad guy, apparently, trying to expose the Cabal and follow the principle of Yin and Yang, that is, all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. How can you even think about separating, avoiding or ignoring balance out the female-male, dark-light, false-truth, ego-humbleness, subconscious-consciousness, laity-spirituality, fear- curiosity, warmongering-co-operation, God/Source/Jesus vs. false religious systems? etc. etc. etc.... 👐You don't have to hold hands fearfully or dislike, disengage or refuse to look at the evidence presented to you.. Just be open minded and understand we are dealing with incredible powerful dark entities, who have manipulated Heaven and Earth for thousands of years, and not only that, the hundreds or even thousands of reincarnations we re-entered the evolutionary tree of life, in this Earthly Matrix as a rock or crystal, then a plant, next animal and then a humanoid and soon fast transmuted or transformed into next phase towards fully Ascension - embrace it... 😇The truth is out there, don't hate it or stay in the drama, just know, it's there for you're awakening process of experience, in order to evolve... 😵Truth only hurts in the start; rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore... 💤How can we awake, if we don't know we're sleeping or constantly being forced to stay in a fantasy dream world? Are we all like "Dom" Cobb, still in a dream at the end of Inception?... WHAT about you, YES YOU, stick your neck out of the bushes and STOP attacking us, who only want the TRUTH to come out... Like David Icke says: Follow you incredible powerful Heart (not your Head)...💜 |

Alfred Lambremont Webre on TV $1millon vendetta vs. Patty Greer & NewsEvolution

VANCOUVER, BC – Victoria Day Weekend 2019 – Former TV Producer Jay Weidner – on an alleged video repentance and apology tour for consciously and intentionally producing and approving for broadcast a series of TV programs containing materials that were reportedly self-admittedly hoaxed by TV contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock – appears to be panicking after exposing such TV federal and state broadcast and subscription regulatory violations, and in a newly released Video Repentance #5 attacks NewsEvolution’s Patty Greer’s & Alfred Lambremont Webre exposé of Bioweapons & DEW deaths, injuries and UFO conferences 2016-18! 


BREAKING NEWS‼ Former TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content, attacks NewsEvolution’s Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre’s exposé of documented deaths and injuries by Bioweapons & DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18!

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