Aug 6, 2019

πŸ‘Ό ~ πŸ’— 8:8 Lionsgate Portal (Meg Benedicte) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: Been to Mt. Shasta and (Sedona), must be on the top list of most Sacred Places in the World that attract thousands of spiritual pilgrims. I was on a important retreat back in 2015 in Mt. Shasta with the organizer Robert Potter's Summer Conference. During my spiritual retreat, head was spinning, a deep presence of heavy vortex energy hitting my soul, hard to describe it or to sleep... Amazing speakers up there, like James Gilland(ECETI), Omnec Onec (from Venus) etc., dated an american (at that time) and meet some beautiful, incredible people.. ANYWHO, some of us, like my reiki-master friend Monica, went to Panther Meadow trail in Mt. Shasta, ca., during the conference.. Indisputably one of the most spectacular hiking destinations in the world with energy vortexes and just unbelievable nature... Waaaauv!... Native Americans and alike has protected the nature up there for centuries... |


I spent Sunday hiking with Manette at the top of Mt. Shasta, one of the ancient sites of Lemuria. The land is pulsing alive, vibrant with crystalline frequencies. While Venus is in Leo, we soaked in the beauty and grace of Gaia’ sacred site. Stepping into the mountain’s portal felt like an energy reset – we felt revitalized and nourished within. As the long-lost Lemurians celebrated life in the mountain’s vortex, we opened our hearts to receive the bountiful blessings of enlightenment.

Dating back to the Sirian seeding of Christ Consciousness in Lemuria, we are tapping into the lost civilization that flourished before Atlantis. 8-8 Lionsgate is a celebration of the ancient Lemurian lineage many Lightworkers carry within their Soul code and bloodline. We are returning to modern Gaia at this time with the crystal seeds that awaken a new Lemuria, birthing our 5D New Earth.

8:8 vibrates with the sacred geometry of the Infinity Figure-8, the symbol of union, integration, harmony, abundance and balanced polarity. The zero point center of the Infinity exists ‘out of time’, in the NOW. In the non-polarized state at Zero Point the Heart Center opens and expands to unite with the quantum field of ‘All That Is’… the quantum field of infinite possibilities and potential.

By tuning into the harmonic frequency of Soul Presence within a logarithmic spiral, we can re-establish internal order, balance and stability − while metabolizing waves of crystalline photonic light at the cellular level. The powerful 8:8 Superwave of Light helps transform physical dense matter into crystalline plasma particles…activating the Light Body for Soul Embodiment.

On Thursday, August 8th we will join together in the quantum flow of the golden ratio spiral and travel to the Galactic Center. The 8:8 Lionsgate creates an incredible period of accelerated Ascension. We will step into the Crystal Stargate at the Great Central Sun, connect with the 8:8 Lions Gate portal, entering pure consciousness, untouched potential…we are stepping into Source Creator.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity to accelerate your Ascension! Join Manette and myself with Earth Keepers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world on August 8th as we enter the Lions Gate portal. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg

Quantum Access®

Graphic Image by Ellen McDonough of

Copyright (c) 2019 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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