Jul 4, 2019

👂 TheVerge | ~ Amazon confirms it holds on to Alexa data even if you delete audio files ~ | Blogger: [⏺️ DISCONNECT Alexa Right Now.. Amazon’s smart-speaker Alexa ‘leaks’ private conversation to random numbers, A.I. sells (all) your info to highest third-party bid for money, power & Orwellian control🤖] ... {Verdensalt.dk: My own Alexa speaks (DNC) leftist rhetoric and says: "GOOD JOB CLINTONS"} ... The CRAZY censoring: Google is desperately trying to control everything you see, think, hear and feel. Google has become the most evil corporation on the face of the earth!.. Pinterest Censoring Anti-Vaccine Doctors and Pins Related to Vaccine Rights.. Facebook censored (verdensalt). Criticize your government and it might censor you too.. Google and YouTube now engaging in wholesale censorship of content they don't want the public to see.. The artificial Google’s plan to isolate or de-ranking Russian media or anything/anybody who violates The Deep States & Google's secret CIA / NSA alliance, makes them happy.. Is your Amazon Echo device - and its virtual assistant Alexa - somehow connected to the CIA?. "Amazon, and its owner Jeff Bezos, who recently surpassed Bill Gates to become the richest man in the world – and who has a $600 million dollar contract with the CIA – have come under fire after a purported whistleblower implicated the company of collusion with the CIA and NSA to spy on Americans" ~ thefreethoughtproject... |



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