Jul 21, 2019

🛀 ~ Creepy Joe Biden Plants a Wet One on Granddaughter’s Lips at Nevada Rally (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit) ~ | Blogger: [🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️‘Creepy Uncle Joe’. Meet the wannabe 'Sperminator'. The most powerful CREEPY man on EARTH. Groping, ogling and touching women (and men) and children/teens on daily basis and Lame Stream Media seems to encourage it😵] ... {Top o' the mornin' to ya. Not a story anybody would love being feed to, while you choke on the 'danish' pastry, sunday morgen. Sorry.. } .. Verdensalt is a uncle to the 2 most beautiful nieces on earth, but I wouldn't, like in N-E-V-E-R, misuse their trust or boundaries, by kissing them on the mouth.. Neither my own daughter or (former) girlfriends daughters... It's very sweet but why would a father kiss his daughter on the lips? Yes, it’s a sign of affection and love, it’s not a snog, but when a public known figure or celeb, does it, like Joe Biden with his granddaughter or David Beckham, does it to his daughter of 7, it's just seem off or misplaced... A few years ago, a picture got viral of the danish comedian Torben Chris, and people were furiously upset by a FB picture with him in the bathtub with his two-year-old daughter pointed a stick on his (male genital organ) some claimed, and it's NOT okay!... You can call me stupid or old fashioned, but when Creepy Joe Biden, does it, just turns my stomach🤢... |


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