Jun 8, 2019

Michele via MrMBB333 | Archive | ~ What appears to be a REAL Stargate next to the Sun! Oh my... ~ | Blogger: [☼UPS! A glitch in The Matrix. Waaaaauv!⭕] ... Project Blue Beam - DARPA and Archons Advanced Holographic Technology? ... Yes, all superpowers who have access to the universe make use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and other simulators. However, not in this case, perhaps it's the real deal!?.. Anyways, SSP uses advanced technologies to 'blur' or 'filter out' the MIC-SSP Solar Warden Armada, their 2 massive space stations in (LEO), the entrance to The Hollow Earth, The Black Knight satellites, space stations on the back of the Moon, the Sun's real appearance (Portal) and of course the outer space creatures, etc.etc..😨My thought is to live without fear! To live my life with TRUTH!... Sorry for breaking the illusion.. 🌞Our sun is not HOT! The sun is really COLD, contrary to what official science says (acc. The Brother Veritus’ Community). A DOORWAY or PORTAL to other dimension planes, as well connected to other Suns and Central Suns...〰️Let's just say, the incoming cosmic superwave or ' micronova' like phenomeum is set to hit the Earth in 2019, has more to do with the Galactic Central Sun outside our Milky Way, Tachyon energy particles, Tsunami of Love from Spiritual Hierarchy and Earth rising to fifth dimension. The sun is a star and is also a portal for higher frequency energies coming from Arcturus, the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way galaxy, from the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone, and other waves of energy which are reaching Earth and producing life changes. This cosmic radiation, such as tachyons, as well as sunlight or sun rays and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are all coming to the planets of the solar system, some cause more heat on the planets, some other cosmic energies are not physically perceived at all but produce DNA changes, so called “mutations”. The CMEs and sun rays do not increase the heat due to the heat transfer phenomenon but through affecting morphogenetic fields and introducing more energy to all animate and inanimate life through the many different wavelength frequencies they are carriers of. As matter is denser, more excitation is caused by the photons and more heat is generated as a result... Tell me what you think - you be the judge..🎗️Please remember, our MSM and scientists and Obama, was very igger to report back in June 2016, we've had the smallest number of sunspots in this cycle since Cycle 14, which reached its maximum in February of 1906. The previous solar cycle, Solar Cycle 23, peaked in 2000-2002 with many furious solar storms... 🏄'Solar storm' and an 'EMP'🏄... Our military–industrial complex (MIC) has already man-made electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon and many other exotic weapons...📌So conclusions is that of course stargate portals exist, star beings are using our own Sun for that purpose, like in the Orion's belt etc. WHETHER to think it's all a bluff, made by USAF, DARPA's (other 3-letter agencies) secret Project Blue Beam (and CIA shyster extraordinaire), Edward Lansdale, actually floated a plan to fake a Second Coming over Cuba to get rid of Castro... Some time ago, NASA's outer space camera picked up thousands of UFO spots surrounding the Sun... Use your own discernment... PS: Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, UFO invasion via a technologically-simulated Second Coming... |

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