Jun 17, 2019

🧠Casey Research | ~ New Implants Will Give Humans Superpowers ~ | Blogger: [🤖Immortality, “Superpowered” Humans & Next Generation Star Trek Stuff🖖] .. PEOPLE (like me) who truly believe in Secret Space Programs and 70 years or more trade with super-advanced alien civilizations and high-tech (The SSP age - Breakaway civilizations, Nazi UFO's, SDI & Chemtrails with Nanoparticles)... GROUNDING AND EARTHING = REALITY CHECK: If we stay on Earth at this specific time period (even time doesn't exist) and we all live in 'present' multi-dimensional or parallel universes, we can say for sure, that rumors goes, that President Donald Trump, issued a highly classified Memorandum soon after his January 20th inauguration ordering the release of group of classified patents concerning anti-aging and health, along with free energy technologies. The Top Secret Memorandum was sent to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, and due to its classification status it will not be accessible to major media for reporting... WE KNOW FOR A FACT : 'Unhackable' internet breakthrough as scientists develop new quantum teleportation test to prevent 'eavesdropping' & Scientists say human teleportation is 'possible' as they transfer atoms three metres in groundbreaking experiment and wireless brain implants has been developed (on top of that we all have "implants" in the reptilian brain cortex keep the person locked into survival fears and thus susceptible to become a slave worker for the central banking system)... YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE with your own eyes, how these sci-fi US Patents are listed on Google, in plane sight. Like, Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents. HAARP, CIA mind-control, A.I. and much more advanced stuff... Before you go out and buy brain implants or this Human Teleportation Machine or Keshe Plasma Generator or rewatch the movie, Stargate - 6000 US patents are still a secret and suppressed technologies (including Free Energy Devices, Antigravity, Sonic Healing Machines). Free energy suppression (or new energy suppression) is a conspiracy theory that techno- logically viable, pollution-free, no-cost energy sources are being suppressed by government, corporations, or advocacy groups. Devices allegedly suppressed include perpetual motion machines, cold fusion generators, torus-based generators, reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology and other generally unproven, low-cost energy sources...|

.. Researchers at Brown University have developed tiny wireless brain implants called “neurograins.” They’re 0.25-square-millimeter implants that can rapidly communicate with external devices like computers or smartphones..


Justin’s note: One of the best ways to make life-changing gains in the markets is to get into groundbreaking trends – before they take off.

And longtime Casey Research friend Jeff Brown has an inside track on the newest, most disruptive tech trends… before they hit the front pages.

You see, Jeff’s decades of experience in Silicon Valley’s inner circle gives him unique insights that you won’t get anywhere else.

In today’s essay, Jeff tells us about a new technology that will give humans superpowers… and discusses the ethical implications…

By Jeff Brown, editor, Exponential Tech Investor

In the next 10 years, everything you know about “being human” will change…

Everything from how we think… how we’re born… and what it means to die will change in ways we can’t possibly predict.

It’s the biggest inflection point in human history. The changes in the next decade will dwarf anything we’ve seen before.

The impact will be bigger than anything we saw with the internet… the internal combustion engine… or even the printing press.

That’s a bold claim – and I don’t make it lightly. I wouldn’t have said something like that even three years ago. But it’s here now.

Right now, bleeding-edge technologies are in development that’ll either elevate mankind to new highs or throw it into chaos.

You may be skeptical. But let me show you the evidence…

“Superpowered” Humans

Science fiction has always preceded technological progress.

Before we had televisions, airplanes, and FaceTime, there were ideas of “moving pictures,” “flying machines,” and “telephots” in sci-fi novels and pulp comic books.

So the idea of “superpowered” humans might not be as impossible as we think.

Researchers at Brown University have developed tiny wireless brain implants called “neurograins.”

They’re 0.25-square-millimeter implants that can rapidly communicate with external devices like computers or smartphones.

Source: Brown University
This technology could allow you to control your computer and smartphone just by thinking about what you’d like to do – rather than moving a mouse or tapping a keypad.

What’s more, these implants can harvest energy from the brain’s electrical system. So they don’t need their own power source. And they can serve many purposes…

With paralysis or stroke victims, these implants could be paired with smart wheelchairs or prosthetic limbs to restore motor skills.

And thinking bigger, this technology could eventually give humans “superpowers.” The ability to communicate and control objects through thought isn’t that far off.

What constitutes “normal human abilities” could change dramatically.

And that’s just the beginning…

When Humans Are “Produced”

Some of you may be familiar with CRISPR genetic editing technology.

CRISPR technology is like software programming for DNA. Basically, it allows scientists to “cut out” genetic mutations in our DNA and replace them with “healthy” versions.

CRISPR will one day allow us to cure every disease caused by a genetic mutation. But that’s not where it stops.

It can also be used to genetically modify human embryos. In essence, the technology could produce “better” human beings.

The U.S. and the West have been very vocal against genetically modifying embryos. But the Chinese have shown a willingness to take a different route.

Last November, genetically modified twins were born in China. The man responsible was a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui.

Let’s take a minute to consider the ethical implications of this. We know that genetically modifying human embryos is possible. But what’s the ethical way to use this technology?

Should we use it to increase human IQs? Or what about creating humans with denser muscle tissues? Those are very real questions the world will have to grapple with in the years ahead.

And stretch your imagination a bit further…

What if a nation or a society set up a program to ensure that every child born was stronger and smarter than any other in the world? This is precisely what Aldous Huxley predicted in his sci-fi masterpiece, Brave New World.

This was also the goal of the Nazis. They wanted to create a “master race.” And CRISPR technology in the wrong hands could one day accomplish that.

I know. It’s scary to think about.

And there’s another bleeding-edge technology that should be on your radar…

The Search for Immortality

Back in April, scientists at Yale took a pig’s head from a local slaughterhouse and brought it back to the lab roughly four hours after the pig was slaughtered.

Then, they pumped an artificial blood mixture back into the brain – and restored cellular functionality. The brain cells were able to produce energy and remove waste, helping to maintain the brain’s internal structures.

To be clear, this did not restore the pig’s consciousness, only its mechanical function. But obviously, this is an incredible feat that’s never been done before.

Now, I know this is a weird thing to do… But the potential applications for humans are simply amazing.

Think about what happens when someone has a stroke. A stroke can cause forms of brain damage – which causes loss of muscle control – leading to all kinds of problems.

That’s why stroke victims sometimes have trouble with the left or right sides of their body.

Well, guess what?

The techniques the Yale scientists are working on could restore brain function to stroke victims…

And imagine if this technology progressed further…

What if we could restore consciousness to a recently deceased brain? What if you could bring a human brain “back to life” long enough for a person to settle their affairs and say goodbye?

The implications are staggering – and might even make us a little uncomfortable.

But make no mistake, there’s a niche group of scientists devoted to eliminating death in human beings… essentially, immortality.

I’m not suggesting that’s a good thing, only that there are many technologists looking at extending life far beyond anything we can imagine. And the early results from this experiment show that it might not be as impossible as it sounds.

Plenty of Questions

If what I’ve shown you so far makes you a little uncomfortable, it should.

The ethical questions that mankind will face in the next decade will be unprecedented. There’s no historical example of what we’re going to face.

But I’m not telling you all this to worry you. As a technologist, I believe that technology has always been a force for good. And I believe technology will also solve some of society’s biggest problems in the years ahead.

But we’re at an inflection point. Over the next two decades, society will either become one of abundance for all or descend into chaos.

Time will tell which wins out.


Jeff Brown
Editor, Exponential Tech Investor


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