Apr 1, 2019

verdensalt | ~ Never Give Up Something You Think About Everyday ~ | Blogger: [💜Staying in the Frequency of Joy. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that💞] ... Well... I almost did this weekend.. Giving up!... Selling all my belongings and moving to Mother Russia🙎‍♂️ Closing up shop (verdensalt), leaving my spiritual communities and just kickstarting a healthier lifestyle with no 'Law of Jante', no 'influencers', nobody telling you what to think and what to say... No chemtrails, no corrupted banksters, no collutions, negative state capitalism; The Medical Mafia, Codex Alimentarius - run by big pharma and the multinational GMO food producers, agricultural organizations, the satanic royal families , EU dictatorship, political family dynasties, Bilderbergers and the elite networks of Archons influence... Just to piss of the Western agenda, joining Russians as people, who is very emotional, superstitious and very, very friendly... What emotion, trigg- ered this?😒 To be honest, i'll always been considered a 'bad karma' choice for many, because i have my own opinion and stick with it. Not that I can't take criti- cism and being number two (two isn't about numbers. It's about mindset), reflect from ego, defense mechanisms to protect yourself etc... Back in the working days as Project Manager, i had to lead many lower or higher managers, who hated my guts, because i didn't fall in the 'normal' mindset of authorities. 15 years of fighting 'narcissistic mothers', and girlfriends in order to assist their daughters, in a system, who only benefits womens (as the weak link, but of course they are the strong link) etc. etc. etc... I have always been fighting for my beliefs, good or bad and of course been in a learning process... Sooo, what happen🤔... I got hit by a 'Instant Karma' and ridiculed publicity, because it didn't fit in with the 'secret' groups policy about a Guru's beliefs or bringing forward a video message that was unsound to the populace (Qanon and military tribunals)... But Tim, you 'have' to hold hands around the campfire, singing Kumbaya, meditate all day long, follow a certain codex, be so loving, kind, forgive and forget and then go inside, learn to 'see' and understand from there, and you will know better each time, what is true (i.e. of light and love) and what is not blah.. blah.. And i actual agree, but going through a lifetime of inner work, getting rid of 'psychological traumas', emotions from reincarnations, eliminate programs (every day with decrees, declarations, confirmations etc.) in my body and the importance of understanding my subconscious mind, attending courses, conferences, 25 years of awakening process, hundreds of thousands of article read etc. - I would say, that i know what's right and wrong, but of course have to learn every day and take all the advises i can get... Another upsetting elements was my friend (perhaps no more?😐) she influenced me to quit DW: Ascension Mystery School... Apperecently (it's not the first time) someone ('Game Changing! Clear Your Energy Automatically by Beverly Nation') has said Wilcock, Goode (websites, youTube channels) been influenced by 'reptilian energies' (yes we knew already) and i got personally mails from shamans, who has said, G&W has been MKUltra Trauma from Childhood and they don't even know it.. So i quit the Mystery School, because of that... And maybe they are right?, but why has our society (3D Matrix of Illusion) and our world become too complex and corrupted, beyond recovery, it's mind blowing... 😚My conclusion is that; "What about just 'becoming' your own inner spiritual leader and appreciate the path shown in front of you, to make a proper choice for spiritual healing of transformation, a journey that connects the body, heart and mind to free the soul?"... Well, let me tell you i'm not a “quitter”, but Archon attack on my heart to trigger a negative emotion or not, perhaps it's time, to upgrade my life's purpose... Verdensalt is about sharing TRUTH, not THE-Truth, but A-Truth... {Positive Thinking: Negative Spirituality vs. Positive Spirituality: Which Side Are You On?} ... Even if (verdensalt) post elements of negative or positive nature, we need to understand and recognise, that HOW can we all AWAKE, when we don't KNOW, that we need to AWAKE!?... The only way is to recognize, that 'humans' and our 3D World consist BOTH of “light and dark”, and “Positive and Negative” polarity... Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light. It does not contain a polarity aspect. It is 'only' the absence of light which equates to the absence of information, the absence of consciousness, and the absence of 💕 (love). Darkness is the nothingness that is ‘enlightened’ by consciousness, but it doesn't mean, there's no HOPE. The cosmos began with the God source. Infinite energy, knowledge and love... “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12) is the second of seven “I AM” declarations of Jesus, recorded only in John’s gospel, that point to His unique divine identity and purpose. In declaring Himself to be the Light of the world, Jesus was claiming that He is the exclusive source of spiritual light. No other source of spiritual truth is available to mankind (one way of seeing it)... Thanks for listening.. Stay tuned... PS: by the way i don't speak russian, but had a beautiful wife from Ukraine once, unfortunately it didn't work out... |

[writing a story for the Daily Planet] Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light. It is the conviction that the light will never return. But the light always returns to show us things familiar, Home, family, and things entirely new, or long overlooked. It shows us new possibilities and challenges us to pursue them. this time, the light shone on the heroes coming out of the shadows to tell us we won't be alone again. Our darkness was deep and soon to swallow all hope. But these heroes were here the whole time to remind us that hope is real. That you can see it. All you have to do is look, up in the sky...

You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

Giving Unconditional Love: 
Love yourself unconditionally. 
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ... 
Make the loving choice. ... 
Forgive those you love. ... 
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain. ... 
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed 

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

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