Apr 26, 2019

verdensalt | ~ Hateful controversial agitator, lawyer & politician scores 10.000 new voters in weeks: Rasmus Paludan says the things, others think⁉️ 'Leader' of Sri Lanka bombings Zahran Hashim died, but confusing raises after govt scales down easter attack death toll by 'about 100', blames attack on Islamist group, Supreme Court considers citizenship question & miltay has got "sweeping" new powers. Crisis Actors Evidence false flag Florida Gun Control High School hoax Marjory Stoneman Douglas Nikolas Cruz Parkland proof Psy Op shooting, now a millionaire and while France wants to use military forces during next "Yellow Vest" protest, they also blame construction workers as smoking gun at Notre Dame fire ~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ˜จWhat-the-heck is going on!?๐Ÿ‘ณ]... Are You Being “Played”????... So, what do the CABAL or 'hidden hand of controllers' do to keep the general public's vibrations low? They have FF ops shootings which scare people into worrying. They bring in immigrants to take their jobs, fund hatespeechers so that the general public stress over even more issues (CIA's Command & Conquer. The God of Separation and Division, Division: Breaking The Heart Of Jesus). 'They' put lead, pesticides, fluoride and other toxins in their water, Chemtrails with nanoparticles, pollute the environment, threaten Martial Law, offer unsuitable cherry picked candidates for president or prime minister. They do everything they can to scare people into WORRY and FEAR to keep the vibration low preventing "Good - Working Out" things from happening". Fill us with so much hatrism, anger and frustration, feeding off your negativity... Warding off negativity is almost impos- sible when we live in a society that lives by what went wrong and feeds off of what could go wrong. News travels instantaneously so it would be unrealistic to shut this out of your life completely. However, one strategy that happy people use to safeguard their minds is regulating their environment. We have a lot of control on how we allow our environments to affect us. We can control our social media feed, the television shows and movies we watch, the books that we read, the people that we spend our time with, and the places that we hang out. If happiness is your end goal, then take a good look at what is bringing you down. What triggers your unhappiness? See if there is anything in your environment that can be changed... Unconditional love does NOT mean passively accepting negative energy from someone. Unconditional love means loving the person on a soul level. You don’t have to approve of his or her bad behavior in order to love him or her uncondi- tionally. The trick is to tune into the essence of the person, beyond all form, behavior, and personality. That is the unchanging spirit (soul) and you have one also. Then a soul can relate in oneness with another soul, with a love that has no relationship to behavior...๐Ÿ’• Please use your own spiritual discernment... ๐Ÿ™ |

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