Apr 15, 2019

The World News | ~ Krammeterapeuten Per Brændgaard hyrer stjerneadvokat ~ | Blogger: [👯🏿‍♀️The #MeToo shockwave: Offended Retrospectively - Feminism has become obsessed with the cult victimhood👯🏿‍♂️] ... (Shaming, bullying, sex offense - "See-Me-Egoism", harrassmentwillingness & harrassmentdictatorship) - How feminism, media troll womens & victims of anger toward the patriarchy & men in general, has taken over the society!? .. Denmark's' famous Hugging with mindfulness - PerBrændgaard.dk and a 9/11-truther, with his bestest buddy, beloved media darling, sexologist Joan Ørting, now regrets her defense of the rapist, she says (afraid that she will lose her business??)... Per Brændegaard was sentence of one year and two months imprisonment for rape of a 29-year-old woman... But, was he really framed and handcuffed with miscarriage of justice from secret 9/11 Cabal govt entities, #Metoo movement & eagerly pushed by medical mafia, Sundhedsstyrelsen (The Danish Health Authority), like with Martin Hejlesen (Human Self Development & Progress) was and so many, many other Holistic personalities, in Denmark? There WAS NO evidence in this case, rape - 'one person's word against another's'... 'After thorough self-examination, I must admit that I have underestimated the harrassmentwillingness of women in Denmark. I have underestimated women's ability to understand what I say and the ability of women to sense and communicate their desires and bound- aries, 'he writes and continues: "I'm shocked by what women can do to stand up and feel offended by me, as if it's a big scandal.". The founder of hug therapy is a graduate of MSc in Economics and Business Administration in human nutrition and formerly best known as an expert in healthy eating and lifestyle, believes that the MeToo debate has created a malignant feminism that now hits him. The 'MeToo debate and the malignant feminism (which is fortunately also a benign one) has gone so much to the point that women now apparently have the right to be "offended retrospectively", and that is always the man's fault. Women no longer have to say 'no' to the situation, it's enough if they feel offended after the act, even though they didn't say 'anything' in the situation, he says. "Or even if the man fully respected it, the woman after stopping the intimate gathering said stop." 'Just the fact that the man has taken the initiative for intimate gathering gives the woman the right to be offended and bring violent charges against the man subsequently. This means that men have no earthly chance to prevent these attacks from women the next day, says Per Brændgaard... (so the questions still remains, was he guilty or has the danish court system, approved new secret laws with Sweden, that recognising sex without consent as rape!?) .. |

Per Brændgaard er dømt for at have voldtaget en 29-årig kvinde. Foto: Søren Bidstrup

LYRICS: 9/11

Remember that famous day
When Lucifer fell from heaven
When America started to sway
Traumatized from 9/11

Remember that newsful day
When the lies filled 7-Eleven
With the truth simply getting away
Journalies from 9/11

Stop being fooled
They are really so cruel
But what can we do?
Start the revolution you!

Remember two planes that day
Made a trio crash down from heaven
The physics were getting grey
The corruption on 911

Remember the terror that day
Starting wars 24/7
The guilty still getting away
The zionists did 9/11

Stop being fooled
They are really so cruel
But what can we do?
Start the revolution you!

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