Apr 18, 2019

RT | ~ MILLIONS of pills: 60 doctors & pharmacists caught up in largest federal opioid bust in US history ~ | .. The doctors gave out more than 350,000 prescrip- tions for 32 million pills – which could provide a dose of opioids to “every man, woman and child,” in the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and West Virginia, according to Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski .. | Blogger: ⚕️ PS: The colossal “medical-industrial complex” - part government and part corporate medical machine - which stands to benefit fiscally by denying physicians their special expertise & ordering them to lie. The medical-industrial complex (MIC) refers to the health industry, which is composed of the multibillion-dollar congeries of enterprises including doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, insurance companies, drug manufacturers, hospital supply and equipment companies, real estate and construction businesses, health systems consulting and accounting firms, and banks etc. etc. etc.... |


If you control the language, you control the argument If you control the argument, you control information, If you control information, you control history, If you control history, you control the past. He who controls the past controls the future.”— Big Brother, "1984" (George Orwell)

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