Apr 16, 2019

Daily Online | ~ I walked through the gutted cathedral… then the crucifix shone from what remained of the altar, a symbol of defiance in the gloom: ROBERT HARDMAN is among first witnesses inside ravaged Notre Dame ~ | Blogger: [⛪Sad to hear about the devastating fire at Notre Dame de Paris. Unfortunately A typical Cabal action. Macron, Rothschild stooge was veeery quickly saying we need to save it; 'patriarchal' rival french billionaires pledge nearly $600 million to rebuild notre dame cathedral🛐] ... "(Celia Fenn): The cathedrals in France dedicated to "Notre Dame" or "Our Lady" were sites originally dedicated to Mary Magdalene who was know as "The Lady" as Jesus was known as "The Lord". The patriarchal Catholic church took over these churches and repurposed them to the "Virgin" as a way of eradicating Mary Magdalene from history and furthering its agenda of suppressing women through religion. Jesus and Mary were equal partners/ Twin Flame Avatars who came to be the Light of the New. After his death, Mary took the teachings to France and established a spiritual movement that was called Catharism that followed the teachings of "Our Lady" Mary Magdalene. The Cathars were wiped out in the Albigensian crusade by the Catholic patriarchal church in the 12th century. They took over the Cathar sacred sites and built their own churches and cathedrals. But many of these old buildings have inscriptions to "Jesu et Maria" which refers to Jesus and Mary Magdalene and not the Virgin Mary. So perhaps "Notre Dame" is revealing her secrets and her past history to us at this time."...☝️"Simon Parkes: Is the Notre-Dame fire France's equivalent of 911 but without the huge loss of life ?"...💭verdensalt: "like in France of 2015: 'Paris has been hit at its heart' -- What caused the Notre-Dame fire? Build on purpose for a divine feminine energy/goddess vortex, to weaken it?... Yellow Vests is the symbol spreading across Europe! An unstoppable force of demonst- rations, snowballed into a revolt, to be taken seriously.. This time not funded by Cabal and Soros' $246 million 'fake feminist groups' (MeToo) & 'Lives Matter movements'... THIS time, the next French Revolution is a battle for the Soul of the Western World and evoking the archetype of Marianne, Goddess of Reason and Liberty, whose energy was activated in Paris 225 years ago... Vive la révolution... ✌️... |


Source: Celia Fenn

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