Mar 21, 2019

Sustainable Human | ~ You Are Never Too Small To Make A Difference ~ | Blogger: [🛢️System Change NOT Climate Change🤑] ... Of course she's a hero, but NOT- HING is what it seems... It's actually all about The hush-hush physical polar shift of the Earth rotational axis. Climate Paris psy-ops and the global Gore's $15 trillion carbon tax gift that keeps on giving... ☝️"The Cabal is understandably nervous, as they know they have nowhere to hide, and this is why they have developed various secret space programs, in vain hopes that they will escape this. They have also created the global warming scam to cover up the truth of the coming polar shift ~ COBRA" .. ☝️"November 30th 2015 was the day when 120 or so world leaders, including those of Russia, the US and China, gathered in Paris to “discuss global warming.” As anybody who actually checks facts knows, “global warming” has nothing to do with scientific truth and everything to do with forming a world government. The idea is to finance this world government with a global “carbon tax.” The world itself is not warming and even if it was it would be due to solar cycles and not CO2 ~ Benjamin Fulford" .. ☝️"Progressives and climate campaig- ners have argued both for and against market-based solutions such as a carbon tax, but have tended to agree that fossil fuel giants back such proposals not because they support climate action, but because they want to undermine efforts such as lawsuits that have sought to hold Exxon and other oil and gas producers accoun- table for their decades of denialism and contributions to the global climate crisis ~ Jessica Corbett" ... ☝️"Ocasio-Cortez: "WORLD IS GOING TO END IN 12 YEARS!" - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez helps you get your priorities straight during the end-days of the climate apocalypse ~ Stefan Molyneux"... |

1. This has been coming for a while (oil majors called for a global carbon price in 2015) 2. It's not a lot of money, but they're not very subtly trying to stake a claim to whatever climate policy debate happens post-2018/20 3. $40/ton is way too low 
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