Feb 28, 2019

Steve Nobel | Archive | Oct 9 - Dec 18, 2018 |~ The Star Shamanism Transmission: Opening a Door into the Spirit Worlds ~ | Blogger: [⚕️Dreaming of a shaman or medicine man shows you have pierced the bubble of the rational world we often live or are trapped by and have entered a more basic and extended world of ancient people๐Ÿ“œ] ... Had a shamanic dreaming a year ago, solving others emotio- nal problems, showing the male energy symbolic to life’s force.. Been through the grinder, reincarnation machine, 5 generations back was fighting white folks ๐Ÿค as a Shaman - true native american spirituality...๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿ˜‡ |

PS: ... ๐Ÿ’ญ After the many visualisations (and initializations) in 'Italy', but after Brazil, (under COBRA's supervision) i'm dreaming like crazy...

Let me share something really wonderful of my latest dream stage in the Astral plane, something, that was exactly identical to what my dearest friend, Emy had, AT THE SAME TIME... 3 days ago, in December of 2018, i've asked Lord Michael, to shine on me, for protection and to lead me save into the Astral (projection), the world of lucid dreaming...

I dreamt it was a meet-up with an old ancient Master... Somehow we got initiated and he had a enormous power field, like a cloak or blurred facade, so it was hard to look at him, directly... I was not allowed to take picture, but did anyway and showed them to friends, but they didn’t believe me because the Master, was unrecognizable...

My sister was with me, very young and the Master gave me some crystals to keep in a small back, while I explained everything to her...

One of the crystals was a HUGE Cintamani stone with carved spikes to hold a large transparent crystal...

When I woke up my left hand was all warm and tickling like I had activated REIKI..

Later, i told my female friend, and she had EXACTLY same dream that night and told me, she got the message, we ACTIVATED something in inner Earth, together with Lord Sanat Kumara, in Shamballa. Sanat Kumara is Lord of The World, Angel Esoteric God King Of Inner Earth.. The founder of the Great White Brotherhood, composed of Masters of the Ancient Wisdom... The message was to maintain the pillar of light...

Steve Nobel: Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on the planet, it has been tried, tested and refined by almost every culture across the planet. Because of this ancient global heritage shamanism is a valid spiritual channel still accessible across the world. This well-trodden channel is calling to many now at this time of global transition. In the world of the shaman, humanity is but one of the countless strands in the web of life.

A shamanic journey is taken into the spirit worlds to seek healing or ask advice from various forms of helping spirits which can be elementals, animal, plant, human, or light-being. To begin focus on an intention and this intention is to ask for advice or help rather than healing (which is the focus of most other transmissions on this platform). The focus of this transmission is to open a door into the Spirit Worlds for you where you will meet a guide. This guide will seek to answer the question or intention guiding your journey into the Spirit Worlds.

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