Feb 18, 2019

off-guardian.org | ~ 10 reasons the Gilets Jaunes are the real deal ~ | .. We live in a world where democracy is a threat and freedom is a punishment, where you can’t tell a turd from a diamond, where 5G is trumpeted even as it threatens to kill us, where the prevailing ethos is buyer-beware and where anyone against warmong- ering and eternal war is smeared and painted as a monster. (...) No wonder people are confused and afraid, walking backwards into the future, stuck knee-deep in mud dreaming that somehow, through some miracle, everything will, “Please!”, return to normal. So amidst this Tower of Babble, let’s resolve one conundrum for you (...) | Blogger: [💛Folkets.dk om Pernille Skipper🐤:] ... "Har denne kvinde intet lært af de gule veste i Frankrig?" -- 'De gule veste startede i Frankrig fordi en mand var utilfreds med at alting blev dyrere på grund af Macrons afgifter. Dråben, der fik bægeret til at flyde over for den franskmand, var en ekstra "klimaafgift" på brænd- stof. Og hvem kommer så her i Danmark og tror hun kan lave en Macron på dansk- erne?' ~ Folkets ... Politiken.dk : "Pernille Skipper: » 'Det vigtigste ved vores plan er, at nogle skal betale mere end andre«" -- Det er nødvendigt med kompensation til personer med lave indkomster, hvis man vil sikre en bred folkelig opbakning til høj- ere afgifter og andre klimatiltag, siger Enhedslistens politiske ordfører. Men hun erkender, at nogle ""alligevel"" kan komme i klemme.' ~ politiken ... B.T. Nyheder: "Ekspert om 'ny' integrationsydelse: Det er at presse folk på en måde, vi har aldrig før har set i Danmark" -- Udlændinge- og integrationsminister Inger Støjberg me- ner ikke, at integrationsydelsen er for stram. Det slog hun sidste år fast under et samråd i folketinget ... DR: ’De Gule Veste’ vil sprede protesten til resten af Europa" -- En del af protestbevægelsen vil stille op til valget til Europa-Parlamentet ... TV2: "Klar til folketingsvalg: Klaus Riskær Pedersen har underskrifterne i hus" -- For første gang siden 1990 ser danskerne ud til at få hele 12 partier at vælge imellem ved det kommende folketingsvalg. Til sammenligning skulle andre partier som Nye Borgerlige og Alternativet bruge henholdsvis et år og halvandet på den samme øvelse ... Folketingskandidat Mads Palsvig, Cand Jur, HD Finansiering, CFA - Jor- den, Frihed, Kundskab, forkortet JFK21 ... PS: HVIS man googler Gule Veste, findes der KUN negative forsider om hvorvidt de er super-voldelige og forstemmende, overfuser jødisk filosof på gaden og det der er værre... |

Har denne kvinde intet lært af de gule veste i Frankrig?
Ekspert om 'ny' integrationsydelse: Det er at presse folk på en måde, vi har aldrig før har set i Danmark
Pernille Skipper: »Det vigtigste ved vores plan er, at nogle skal betale mere end andre«
’De Gule Veste’ vil sprede protesten til resten af Europa
Klar til folketingsvalg: Klaus Riskær Pedersen har underskrifterne i hus

We live in a world where democracy is a threat and freedom is a punishment, where you can’t tell a turd from a diamond, where 5G is trumpeted even as it threatens to kill us, where the prevailing ethos is buyer-beware and where anyone against warmongering and eternal war is smeared and painted as a monster.

Who do you believe? All the things you felt certain about Democracy, liberty, the right to free speech, television news, all these things are not only being undermined, in reality, they are being thrown in your face. Democracy in the Nazi-controlled Ukraine, moderate jihadi rebels, no democracy in Russia or Venezuela, despite the fingerprint tests on voters and the voting booth cameras, and this voice saying they’re fair elections and a dozen saying what about France isn’t that democracy and twenty other voices say they’re not and right-wing groups going off in the streets and chemicals in your food and forgetting to turn your wi-fi laden house on before you rush to another meeting or charge your phone, and, and…well…I got lost just writing it.

Keeping you busy, that’s what Neo-Liberalist empire does, and amidst it all, you’re meant to be an active citizen stuffed with social capital, capable of an opinion on any topic at the drop of the hat.

Ontological security, everybody needs it, but right now it’s in short supply especially in big metropolitan cities. No wonder people are confused and afraid, walking backwards into the future, stuck knee-deep in mud dreaming that somehow, through some miracle, everything will, “Please!”, return to normal.

Here are ten reasons the Gilets Jaunes (unlike US sponsored colour revolutions) are the real deal, by which I mean the direct expression of the people of France.

1. They don’t speak in Abstractions/idealisms: abstraction is the language of power, hierarchy and representation. Abstraction and its use in a political context are what unite all regimes be they communist, Nazi or neo-liberal.[1] The Gilets are not of this school. Their demands are simple, concrete: lower toll way charges, a ban on plastic bottles, a stop to compulsory withdrawals from personal bank accounts, an end to planned obsolescences in consumer goods just to name a few. What these demands enunciate is a world view grounded in people’s immediate lives. The Gilets Jaunes say things like:
I am in the mud of my life, I work 2 hours part day makes me a small salary of 240 month share with a supplement CAF!
And Macron says:
I have always assumed the dimension of verticality, of transcendence, but at the same time it must be anchored in full immanence, materiality.” ~ Macron 18/1/2019
2. The mainstream media blackout: It is only necessary to go onto Gilets websites to witness the violence being metered out to the yellow vests. Does any of this appear in the mainstream media? Rumour has it a D notice has been issued in Britain forbidding any positive mention of the Yellow Vests. In France, it’s the same. Huge crowds in almost every main city are barely reported, grievances are never discussed. Many colour revolutions are staged by the MSM especially for audiences in Western Europe and the ‘first world’, as the current case of Venezuela illustrates. Instead of this colour revolution simulacrum, what confronts the Gilets Jaunes is a black-out. Draw your own conclusion.

3. The Red Scarfs: in themselves they are of little import, their numbers were exaggerated and being entirely a rent a crowd they lack stamina. On a deeper level however, the appearance of the Red Scarfs represents a very dangerous game by Macron. French society has long been susceptible to right-wing movements of violence: The 6th February 1934 crisis[2] , the bloody war of the anti-Nazi resistance with Vichy militias, a conflict which many French view as a civil war[3] and finally, the OAS in the early 1960s are all examples of such maneuverers. Traces of these historical moments are present currently in the rogue cops, the ‘Spéciale Castaner’ the militia recruited by Macron to dispense their special violence towards protestors. These ‘Des flic hors-la-loi’ (rogue cops) have appeared at every recent demonstration. Again, draw your own conclusions. Their presence shows the state’s desperation, the authenticity of the Gilets and their growing social power.

4. The lack of celebrities or leaders. Even after 12 demonstrations and 3 months of agitation, there are still no spokesmen or leaders or celebrities, ‘speaking’ for the people. This by itself tells you it’s a genuine grassroots movement.

5. The manner in which the globalisers have no response but violence. What is occurring in France currently is a conflict between two world views that have nothing to say to each other. Something illustrated by the side-lining of both Maria La Pen and the official parliamentary opposition. Unlike colour revolutions, there is no clear officially endorsed alternative. No one in Washington nominated a Gilets for the presidency and if they had, no one would take any notice. Thus the ritualised nature of contemporary parliamentary politics has been starkly revealed; all the French deputies whatever their allegiance, are fully paid up globalising neo-liberals.

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