Feb 16, 2019

Energy Healinglife Coach | ~ What Is Your Personal Frequency on the Scale of Consciousness? ~ | .. Each of us has our own personal frequency which can easily be changed by what we choose in our day. Everything we think, feel and do has a vib- ration and a frequency. Positive thoughts, feelings and actions are lighter, more spacious and have a higher vibration and frequency. Negative thoughts, feelings and actions are heavier, denser and have a lower vibration and frequency .. | Blog- ger: Please notice and think about it: πŸ’•LOVEπŸ’• - is not the highest measured 'goal' of human consciousness on the Hawkins Scale Map (500 - love, loving, ben- ign, reverence, revelation)... Joy, peace and gratitude is much higher, and after verdesalt.dk standards, we should all be climbing these steps up the ladder, but still, a loooong way to go... |

We easily recognize these vibrations. For instance, when we walk into a room we may know and feel that people are angry and have been fighting, even if they don’t show it. Another great example is when you are heartbroken or even ashamed and you feel a heaviness or contraction in your chest and abdomen. If you react to someone in a way that you feel they didn’t deserve, you may feel guilty and notice a tight contraction in your chest or stomach. If you are afraid someone is mad at you or may not love you, you might recognize that heavy contraction of fear. The back of your neck or arms might tingle when someone dangerous is near.

All of these examples exist at the bottom of Dr. David R. Hawkins Scale of Consciousness where pain and suffering exist. The scale ranges from 0 (no light, only darkness) to 1000 (pure intense white light or source energy). According to his book, POWER VS FORCE, 85% of the world’s population have a low personal frequency and live in low vibrational energies of shame (20), guilt (30), apathy (50), grief (75), fear (100) and anger (150). You may recognize institutions, governments, religions, work environments and even relationships that use these negative energies to control with force and project these energies onto others. Energy below 200 is destructive and life diminishing to the individual and to society.

If your energetic personal frequency is above 200 you are living in life enhancing and supporting energy, such as courage (200), being willing (310), acceptance (350), reason (400), love (500), joy (540), peace (600) and gratitude (700). At the top of the scale, 1000, is intense pure white light and the strongest presence of source or divine love. Here you would find Jesus, Buddha or an enlightened being. In these higher vibrational energies you are increasing your own truth and becoming powerful from within. People with this personal frequency and vibration use constructive expressions of power, like compassion and love to motivate others to become better versions of themselves.

Raise Your Personal Frequency Quickly With Energy Healing

So where do you fit on this scale of consciousness? We all obviously have all of these energies at different points in our lives, even at different points of the day. Every thought, decision, feeling and action has its own vibration. The goal of course is to choose in every new moment and raise our vibration.

The problem, however, is that many of these thoughts, feelings and beliefs have been imprinted into us from parents, families, schools, friends, media and society. Much of it is subconscious and we see this through self-sabotaging patterns or when we automatically react a certain way, even though we may not have wanted to.

This is where energy healing can really help. By eliminating these conscious and subconscious beliefs, emotions, patterns and programs, we can raise our vibration and consciousness into the states of love, joy and peace that we all deserve. I am currently offering a free mini-session of Intuitive Energy Healing to those who want to experience a shift in energy and start to raise their vibration at www.energyhealinglifecoach.com.

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