Feb 26, 2019

EarthWatch | ~ 5G/The Ultimate Danger/Pt. 1/Smart Meters. ~ | .. 5G is the latest generation of cellular mobile communications. It succeeds the 4G, 3G and 2G systems. 5G performance targets high data rate, reduced latency, energy saving, cost reduction, higher system capacity, and massive device connectivity, massive DNA damage, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome etc. .. |

ECETI News: 5G Trumps Way! Overrides Cabal's 5G Plan - New Q Drops! B2T Show Feb 22 - YouTube
“ I myself wondered why Trump would want 5 and 6G knowing the harmful effects. Looks like they removed the harmful effects changed the frequencies” ~ shared from ECETI newsletter: 

Blogger: God bless if this is true... but what about 5G in EU and rest of the World?

5G Trumps Way! Overrides Cabal's 5G Plan - New Q Drops! B2T Show Feb 22

TDC: 5G kræver mange flere mobilsites

Blogger: ... Big BIG Business, 5G, senere 6G,7G og 8G...Pris per 5G-mast: Op mod 2 millioner kroner x nye 750 TDC master, x uset antal af 5G mini towers, ned til 30 meter = pris???... 

Oister: Opsætning af 200 nye master, øge kapacitet og hastighed i over 700 af deres eksisterende master, pris??? .... 

"Det koster i dag cirka 1 million per mobilsite, men Martin Nielsen forventer, at fremtidens mobilsites kan koste mellem 15,-2 millioner kroner per site", ifølge mobil(nu)... 

"Vi finder måske aldrig helt ud af, hvordan stråling fra mobiltelefoner hænger sammen med cancerrisiko. Visse undersøgelser har vist, at der er en grad af statistisk sammenhæng mellem eksponering for mobilstråling og tilfælde af cancer, men sammenhængen kan ikke overføres på den brede befolkning, og risikoen er højest marginal"... 

Ja right, God dag mand økseskaft..... 

Aflyttet: Politinæsen, det hjemløse NemID og det hurtige net

Om dette website: 24SYV.DK

Blogger: "Og så har Ole Tange, IT-politiske rådgiver fra PROSA et par ord om 5G - det kan gøres billigere og bedre - vi skal bare have flere licensfrie frekvenser"... HOLD DA op hvor skuffende, 10 minutter indslag inden "showet" slutter, omkring 5G, hvordan et lille jysk firma, kan redde træer i storbyerne, og bruge et andet netværk end 5G, MEN INTET om hvor farligt 5G det er... INTET... Berlingske, er de underlagt censor? Selvfølgelig er de det...

Global 5G WIFI: You Won’t Believe What They NOW Have Planned For Humanity! With David Icke!

Blogger: ONE of the best interviews with David Icke, to understand the 5G, Smart Grid, DARPA Developing Brain Chip, control of human minds, fear etc. etc.... 


Petition: 26,000 Scientists Oppose 5G Roll Out

Wireless Radiation: Stop The 5G Network On Earth And In Space, Devastating Impacts On Health And The Environment

To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations

We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.

Executive summary

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