Jan 14, 2019

🔴 ENERGIWATCH | ~ Ørsted Sydbank: Ørsted-aktie vil falde fra start efter blokeret frasalg ~ | Blogger: [⚠️SUNDAY - LAST MINUTE COLD FEET POLITICAL MANEUVER 'STOP' - SOON TO BE SOLD ANYWAY, OUTSIDE POLITICIAN LONG ARM REACH. ITALIAN 'ENEL' MULTINATIONAL MANUFACTURER AND DISTR- IBUTOR OF ELECTRICITY AND GAS & SECRET SILENT PARTNERS, 'COULD' BE GOLDMAN SLACKS WITH OTHER WALL STREET BANKSTERS, TRYING TO BUY UP DANISH MAIN POWER DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS GRID INFRASTRUCTURE IN DONG / ØRSTEDS GOLDEN KALV, DENMARK’S LARGEST POWER COMPANY RADIUS, WHICH DELIVERS POWER TO AROUND A MILLION HOUSEHOLDS IN NORTH AND MID ZEALAND⚠️] ... ("Investors are reminded us, that Ørsted has a majority shareholder who can make the decisive decisions, and the Danish State, which has other considerations and interests, than shareholders," says equity analyst MEDIAWATCH) ... Massive Chinese acquisitions in Europe, like Huawei owns danish mobile market. Denmark sells vaccine production to Saudi Sharia supporters for a candybar and Danish-British company has exported mass surveillance technology to the dictatorship states Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar for 'subjects' to be suppressed. American bribable bullying bandits like BlackStone, BlackRock and (BlackWater Associates Mercenaries, Black-clad Security) buy up danish Defense services, IT infrastructure purchase, “vital infrastructure stocks”, house properties, shopping malls, design houses, cancer industry etc. etc.... Former DONG Energy (Ørsted), NETS, TDC, KMD, ISS, Nykredit, AP Moeller Maersk A/S (shipping shares) and Post Danmark A/S are the big ones, all on foreign hands. There are HUUUGE foreign venture capitalists, investment funds and global financial houses and pension companies that pump extra fictitious 'funny money' to IPOs, to keep senior employees HAPPY & QUIT with petro dollars, so they become gilded, against loyal to oppose this scam -- EVERYTHING IS APPARENTLY ALLOWED IN DENMARK -- The politicians can't interfere. NOOO SIR!.. They are NOT in charge. It's the capitalists who controls the central administration, investors, stockholders, shareholders, freemasons, bilderbergers and the 423 Danes at the top of the economic and political-administrative Denmark, who decides, who lives and who dies.. If foreigners like Italian utility Enel SpA or SEAS-NVE buy up Radius, will the prices or rates, go up??? ... JP: "January 13, 2019: S and SF draw the support for the sale of Radius. Later in the day, Ørsted states that the Ministry of Finance has informed the company that the political support for a divestment of Ørsted's electricity business is no longer present. Ørsted states that the potential buyers of Radius, after the sales process was started in 2018, had been narrowed to "pension funds and supply companies from Denmark and western OECD countries"... Denmark's Electricity Supply Act Chapter 10: §69a - Prices for services, provided by a net-company "cannot" increase as a result of the remuneration paid by the transfer companies (Priser for ydelser fra en netvirk- somhed må ikke stige som følge af det vederlag, der erlægges ved overdragelse af virksomheder) ... |

Sydbank: Ørsted-aktie vil falde fra start efter blokeret frasalg
Overblik: Fra Dong-ballade til Radius-strid
Lov om elforsyning Kapitel 10
Lige nu Det Røde Felt 

Demokratiet har sejret over storkapitalen. For en sjælden gangs skyld. Regeringen har netop været nødt til at blokere for et salg af det statsligt ejede selskab Radius, der ejer elnettet på størstedelen af Sjælland. Pengemændene bag Dong Energy, der i dag kalder sig for Ørsted, havde ganske enkelt ikke været snu nok til at tage bestik af den politiske omvæltning, der er sket siden det delvise salg af virksomheden selv til Goldman Sachs i 2014: Her i 11. time blev frasalget af datterselskabet Radius stoppet, da Socialdemokratiet ikke – igen – kunne stå model til bare at sælge til højestbydende.

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