Apr 6, 2018

jp.dk | 31. Marts 2018 | ~ Kvinde blev erklæret død ved en fejl - nu kæmper hun for at genaktivere sine data ~ | .. Hos Sydvestjysk Sygehus beklager man fejlen .. | Blogger: (In English:) O-M-G! ... R.I.P.. ??? Bang Bang You're Dead. No I'm Not - Yes You Are! 😯🤕🧟‍♀️ ... [when a person is declared dead, it takes seconds to replace a living person as "non-existence" through an electronic reporting system that initiates a form of chain reaction from IT system to IT system.] ... - In order wordings, if a patient or citizen in Denmark has been declared DEAD by a doctor, pushing a WRONG button in a computer system at a local Hospital, your CPR number (Civil Registration System. A CPR number is a personal identification ID), will immediately be dissolved, and you're now declared a DEAD person, to every single central administration systems that include: banks, housing, pension, eboks (secure electronic mailbox used to receive digital mail the State), NemID (common log-in solution for Danish Internet banks, government websites and some other private companies), driving license, sundhedskort (Your yellow Health Insurance Card), insurance companies, post office, passport -- EVERYTHING... And the danish politicians gets on TV and newspapers with dirty hands, trying to wash them clean again WITH NO ANSWERS OR SOLUTIONS... A pneumonia was found to be fatal for 69-year-old Kirsten Kristensen from Varde - on paper. She was declared dead, and since then, her life has gradually been deleted and she's trying to get her life back, in slow motion... |

Det er en omfattende proces at skulle "genoplive" sig selv digitalt. Foto: Jens Dresling/Polfoto
LÆS VIDERE: https://jyllands-posten.dk/indland/ECE10474533/kvinde-blev-erklaeret-doed-ved-en-fejl-nu-kaemper-hun-for-at-genaktivere-sine-data/