Dec 26, 2018

SITSSHOW | ~ Pornography and the Sexualization of Children are Distorting Their Perceptions ~ | Blogger:[I'm sorry, verdensalt, cannot always hold your hand around the campfire๐Ÿ•️, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!! ๐Ÿ’ž] ... (our 'CONTROLLERS' uses 2 things to keep us in line - SEX & FEAR) ... Are panic attacks spiritual warfare, please help? We need to ask ourselves in what way, we can tackle wrestling with an evil spirit inside - (simple) - stop playing the blaming game. Verdensalt, has lost a lot of readers, by trying to figure out, why we've so afraid of ANYTHING, that is NOT sweet, beautiful and enlightened for our CHAKRA HEART, to take in.. I'm a lightwarrior and a man, SOMETIMES, i also discuss the mystical UFO/SSP phenomenon, green-skinned extraterrestrial humanoid from the planet Mars, psychopathic behavior and leaders, paedophilia satanic art of sorcery and the dark side of witchcraft, in order to confront our own neglects of ego, that takes control, humility is lost, followed by the spiritual ego, eventually leading to narcissism... [READ MORE] |

Exposure of the Dark Alliance, Very Deep State, SSP community - breaking away from our 3D Matrix of Illusion, demands protection beyond the veil, so to say.

Following the Buddha's footsteps, being around highly enlightened beings/souls - acupressure for emotional healing, demands commitment, daily grounding medi, galactic protections or calling in our spirit guides and blessings from the ascended masters, to understand the DEPTH, in which humanity, has been sentenced in (prison) for thousands of years of separation, depression and conflict to serve a few, truly evil dark elements, that thrives on our FEAR... 

How can we escape from prison planet earth?... We can't ... In emotional pain? Who's gonna save ME? ..

'Acknowledging emotional pain may seem like an obvious step in the healing process that everyone is already doing. If you’re in pain, you already know it, right? Not always. Most of us have varying degrees of emotional trauma in our energy field that lies below our conscious awareness. Although we might be aware of some of the symptoms of emotional pain within us, we usually don't fully turn our attention to it and SEE the actual energy itself. Instead, we tend to focus on our thoughts ABOUT it. 

Consequently, we end up in conflict with ourselves, wanting the emotional trauma to go away, and fighting with it mentally. THIS is the actual suffering: our resistance to what is appearing within us. 

This produces a painful inner contraction, which ranges from annoying discomfort at one end of the spectrum to severely debilitating physical and/or mental "dis-ease" at the more serious end of the spectrum. It is common for us to become practiced at denial of emotional pain in order to function in our lives. Unconsciously we have learned how to keep the pain at bay so we can “do” our daily lives with some kind of balance. 

Often, the energetic imbalance within us actually causes us to create more imbalance as an attempt to gain equilibrium. And our only awareness of this might be a sense of feeling “off” or living our lives with limited inner resources, constantly looking for something outside ourselves to “fix” us.. (..).. (wellbeingalignment)' 

Remember, You be the judge. You are in charge of the emotions that raises in yourself. Deal with it.. 

(Carolanne Wright) Like everyone else growing up in the 70’s, I was not immune to the messages that bombarded us constantly from television, the media and our culture at large. Even with the dawn of feminism in the US — and a good amount of opportunity with sports and outdoor time in nature — I still absorbed plenty of questionable information about what it meant to be female.

Related The Cabal Assault on Beauty and Self-Worth — Bras Make Breasts Sag, 15-Year Study Concludes

SourceWake Up World

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