Nov 4, 2018

The GoldFish Report | Nov 4, 2018 EDT | No. 287 | ~ Steel Magnolias Series: Author, Healer Vicki Werner ~ | Blogger: Do you remember the now deceased, but amazing and well known Dolores Cannon? She also used Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) ... 🔦PS: You might also wanna listen to Allison Coe. A Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner living in Portland, OR, USA. She's doing hypnosis and dream interpretations and has set up a YouTube channel to share portions of her QHHT sessions that she deem beneficial to the public, and dreams that are sent to her, from all over the world that she have interpreted .. |

On The GoldFish Report No. 287 Louisa continues with the Steel Magnolias Series highlighting Amazing Women with Guest Author and QHHT Healer Vicki Werner. Vicki Werner died in December of 2012. She was met on the other side by celestial beings that revealed how her family would live their lives without her, should she choose to cross over. She was shown that, in order for her youngest child to live her life purpose, Vicki would have to return to a body that was sick and weak, and she would spend years in physical pain.

After returning to her body, Vicki diligently sought every wellness modality she could find in order to heal. Ultimately, she discovered that sustainable healing has to come from within. Vicki's remarkable journey through illness, death, and anxiety about an unknown future prepared her to lovingly guide others through their own healing crisis-helping them make the shift from fear, pain, and distress, to self-empowerment and the reclaiming of well-being. For information about Vicki's book or to learn more about Vicki please visit